The New Chronicler Class - the Demigod, the Eternal and the Abyssal

This is a restructured proposal from my previous one for the Traveler - from now on: The Chronicler. I have received some nice feedback, most notably from Airowird and have decided to write it in a better way that is more understandable and also contains some more abilities that I came up with in the meantime.

Structure of the proposal:

Firstly I will lay out the basic concept of the class; which power fantasies it is supposed to fulfill and the idea and reasoning behind the mechanics and the skills proposed. In the skill section I will describe a few skills that I have thought that might fit the theme and power fantasy of the class. In these skills I will describe some effects and give some proposed numbers, such as damage, duration etc.

The effects and mostly the numbers are so those who read the proposal get a better feeling for how I imagine the skill working. In some cases, “X” will indicate a number which is up to the devs for balancing. Specific numbers are indicative and they are there to give a sense of how a skill is supposed to function and are not to be taken literally. If implemented as written here they will not be balanced, but should EHG ever pick any of these up I’m sure they will do a far better and more interesting job than I ever could. So, here goes:

The Chronicler

The Chronicler is a space/time manipulation type of wizard. She is tasked with preserving the knowledge of the entire history of Eterra’s realm. Using her magic she has traveled through the Eras of Eterra and incorporated the dominant magic of each era to her own in order to become stronger. Some of her base skills include a) the delaying or speeding of damage and certain effects, b) manipulating and creating space and c) Divine, Necrotic and Void abilities which correspond to her masteries. As such she combines elemental, necrotic and void damage. This will allow for combination of damage types and spells that we do not currently have in the game (except for some that uniques provide).

Her Masteries will be:

  1. Demigod: Takes skills from the Deities of the Divine Era. This is a Mage type mastery with a little bit of Summoner sprinkled in.

  2. Eternal: Takes abilities from the Imperial Era. This is an Acolyte-Rogue type mastery.

  3. Abyssal: Takes abilities from the Ruined Era. This is a Void caster and summoner type mastery.

  4. Chronos: This is a mastery focused on time manipulation. This will be a Mage type mastery and it is not included in the current proposal. I may post one in the future when and if I come up with some cool ideas for it.

Base skills (in no particular order):

Some base skills will correspond to one or more of the following: Majasa, Rayeh, Lagon, Heorot, the Immortal Emperor and Orobyss. This will affect how these skills can be combined with Mastery skills. This is up to the devs for any additional skills they might add.

Delayed Strikes:
Toggle in order to stop all outgoing damage. All attacks accumulate on enemies and deal increased damage when the skill is toggled again based on how long it was active. Drains mana each second.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Delayed Strikes is now a castable skill which deals 1 damage on hit and applies ailments at an increased rate

  • Delayed Strikes now cause all ailments on a target to stop their cooldown - drains 1 mana per second per ailment on the target - the target can still receive new ailments - upon release, the remaining ailments’ duration is refreshed

  • Delayed Strikes now also affects all units summoned by the Chronicler.

Wall In:
A cone ability which is cast at a cone at the direction the player is facing. The cone closes in and pushes enemies together. Colliding enemies receive extra damage. Conversion nodes include:

  • Casts Possessed Weapon at the end of the skill

  • the skill becomes instant cast and now starts at a line and pushes enemies outwards, dealing increased damage

  • the Walls are replaced by Void Cracks which deal DoT to enemies who stand on them.

Possessed Weapon:
The Chronicler sends a ghost version of her equipped weapon to attack her enemies.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Possessed Weapon strikes a second time

  • Possessed Weapon now deals three hits in a row at close, mid and long distance from the target location

  • Randomly applies a DoT ailment (ignite, frostbite, electrify, damned or doom) - if the ailment applied matches an ailment that the enemy already has, all stacks of it are doubled but the initial stacks lose 50% of their remaining duration

  • Possessed Weapon now creates 3 Ghosts of the player who attack nearby players dealing melee necrotic damage

  • Possessed Weapon is now channeling (think Kenshi from Mortal Kombat channeling his cool projections to constantly damage enemies).

Time Rift:
A teleport abillity. Opens two rifts in time and teleports at the target location. Enemies who are close to the player upon cast will also be teleported and be stunned for 0,5 seconds upon arrival. Bosses are slowed instead.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Damage to enemies along the path and pushes them at the opposite direction of the movement

  • Becomes a front-back-front movement

  • Negative ailments on the Chronicler lose 50% of their remaining duration

  • Enemies at the arrival location are teleported back to the starting location

  • It is now cast at a triangular shape which boxes in enemies and causes them to receive more damage from AoE skills.

Summon Ghost Priest:
A unit which attaches itself to the player. With the Priest attached the player receives a buff on all stats (such as regens, damage etc) but has less movement speed.
Conversion nodes include:

  • The priest now drains health instead of granting health regen but the other regens are increased (same can apply for all regens granted by the priest)

  • The priest can now raise skeletal constructs from fallen allies and/or enemies - this ability is channeled and stops the priest’s buffs

  • The priest now self-detonates when the player’s health drops below a threshold and stuns surrounding enemies - deals initial damage to player but greatly buffs all regens for 3 seconds - the priest cannot be resummoned for X seconds.

Summon Voider:
A unit which attaches itself to a single enemy. When attached, both their healths begin to drain. Enemies with a voider attached move slower. If the enemy dies before the voider, then the voider is healed back to full health and attaches itself to another enemy.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Instant damage at a lower effectiveness

  • The voider pulls the enemy away from the player

  • Enemies with a voider attached are frenzied but receive more damage

  • The voider becomes immune to all damage (except its own health drain) but deals less damage

  • When a Voider attaches itself to an enemy it creates a Voidite which will seek out a different enemy to attach to but can also target the Traveler - if a Voider kills the original unit it was attached to it will sprint to the nearest Voidite and detonate both of them. This explosion damages the Chronicler when there is a Voidite attached.

Dead Guess:
Predicts the death of a random nearby enemy. That enemy receives 10% more damage for 4 seconds.
Conversion nodes include:

  • If the Chronicler is successful in killing the enemy, she deals 10% more damage for 4 seconds

  • Marked enemies receive 50% more damage for 4 seconds but if they don’t die then the Chronicler loses 50% of her remaining health

  • The enemies now die at the end of Dead Guess if they have been brought below a kill threshold

  • Damaging an enemy marked by Dead Guess for more than 50% of their max health while Dead Guess was active grants health and mana regen.

Summon Arc:
Summons an arc that the player can walk on. The arc is Elevated in the middle. While on the Arc the player receives a massive movement buff. Counts as a Traversal skill. Collapses after a few seconds. (Picture it as a bridge which is elevetated in the middle. You walk uphill to get to the middle and then downhill to leave it. If this is technically difficult or impossible to implpement currently then it can be replaced by an on-ground effect similar to the Chthonic Fissure and retain the same functionality while adding dodge chance.)
Conversion nodes include:

  • The arc buffs the Chronicler’s damage and attack speed the closer she stands at the top

  • The arc now casts Time Rift after a duration, teleporting the Chronicler from wherever she is to the end of the Arc

  • Autocasts the next Statue of the Gods at the middle of the Arc giving it increased damage and attack speed but the Traveler can no longer traverse the Arc - no longer counts as a traversal skill.


Demigod Mastery

The Chronicler has attempted to elevate herself to the status of a God by stealing abilities from the 4 Gods of the Divine Era. She was successful in replicating their power but she cannot sustain her power increase.


Mastery Skill
Majasa’s Pillar:
Fire or Lightning (taken from two of the three pillars that Majasa summons during her fight): Summons a pillar which targes enemies with fire bolts over a huge area.
Conversion nodes include:

  • The pillar now targets all enemies around it at once but at a much smaller area

  • The pillar now casts flame aura on itself or the player which can stack (can be connected with Delayed Strikes with a conversion for friendly units - it will make allies unable to cast anything but cast an increased number of spells once the toggle is released)

  • The pillar will cast Fire Beam (channeling) to enemies instead of Fire Bolts but will drain mana per enemy damaged; conversion to lightning.

Unique Item: Majasa’s Pillar will now also target the Statue of the Gods, transforming it into a Statue of Majasa. Retains the damage type. Benefits from Majasa’s Pillar skill tree. Majasa’s Pillar continously targets the Statue of Majasa and the statue repeats the attack towards enemies after 0.5 seconds, dealing 50% more damage.

Skills open to all Masteries

Blessing of the Moon:
Cold damage. Passive: the Moon is reflected around the player and deals DoT to all enemies within range. Active: the Moon explodes for all the damage that it has dealt in the last 10 seconds.
Conversions nodes include:

  • The active part no longer deals damage when activated but it blocks the Sun giving the player increased void damage, dodge rating, health & mana regen, armor and health based on the damage it has dealt in the last 10 seconds

  • The active part now also drops Meteorites

  • The Demigod now absorbs the light of the Moon and uses it to directly damage oponents with Beam of the Moonlight - deals more damage the more moonlight the Demigod has absorbed for up to X seconds.

Unique item: Instead of the Moon the player now reveives Blessing of the Sun. It now only has a passive part and deals fire DoT which auto-crits after damaging an enemy for 3 seconds in total (not consecutive). More crit damage per ignite on the target. This effect cannot trigger if the player is out of mana. Drains mana per second per enemy damaged by the Sun. Does not apply Ignite.

Frozen Spear:
Throws a spear at a target location. Deals initial damage and explodes for ice damage afte a delay.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Instead of exploding, it casts Frozen Lance to all enemies around

  • Instead of sticking to the ground it now travels and casts Frozen Lance every time it hits and enemy

  • It becomes a melee attack which casts Stalagmites to all enemies it hits.

Unique item: Two dual-wielding lances (you can dual wield them together but not with other items). Using them allows the player to choose 2 conversions which do not normally work together (like the spear sticking to the ground and thrown at enemies). The exact effect can vary based on the order on which they are equipped (main hand and off-hand).

Mastery only skills:

Rayeh’s Wrath:
3-part combo skill. The first two hits fire a single laser beam at the target location which explode on hit, marking the areas they hit. The third part is two beams which channel for X seconds on the marked areas and also explode at the end.
Conversion nodes include:

  • The third part is now 6 beams - the first two beams hit the marked areas and the rest of the beams converge to the midpoint between the marked areas and explode

  • Rayeh’s Wrath now auto-fires beams after being cast - fires 6 single beams after a X seconds delay at nearby targets - the Traveler can move freely - no marked ground, no third beam

  • Marked ground now slowly expands

  • The Traveler can keep channeling the third part causing marked ground to apply stacks of ignite to all enemies within range.

Unique Item: N/A

Statue of the Gods:
Summons a statue that you can damage with certain skills. The Statue will transform and gain different effects based on the type of skill that you damaged it with. The statue can be damaged by Divine basic skills and from Demigod, Eternal and Abyssal Mastery skills.

Divine skills (basic skills): the Statue will absorb the skill and cast it after a 0.1 seconds delay at the target location, dealing increased damage.

Demigod skills: Drains all of your remaining mana to recast the ability at every enemy around the Demigod and the Statue, ignoring target number or range limitations. Casting the same skill that you used to damage the statue will repeat this effect. You can cast other skills in the meantime. More damage based on mana consumed. Decreased damage per enemy targeted.

Undying skills: Creates ghosts that will fire Soul Bombs or Necrotic Arrows towards nearby enemies. You can switch only between these 2 skills. Casting another skill other than these 2 will unsummon the Statue. Drains X health per Ghost created. Ghosts will disappear after they use 1 skill. Summon speed scales with your cast speed at increased effectiveness.

Abyssal skills: Lose movement speed until it reaches 0. When it reaches 0 you are immobilized. You can still cast traversal skills. You gain increased cast speed, damage and damage reduction based on how much movement speed you have lost. You can only cast the same skill that you used to damage the statue with (Void Strings or Starfall of the Abyss). Casting a different skill will unsummon the statue and bring you back to your original stats.

Conversion nodes include: not really much left to include here, just unlocking the above effects and changing the numbers invovled. The Chronicler will only be able to unlock one of the Mastery set skills to damage the statue with.

Unique Item: The Statue now gains additional abilities based on the skill that you damaged it with. Only works for Demigod abilities. Summons a mega-statue of all the Gods.
Majasa’s Pillar: The Statue also attacks with Petrifying Gaze every X seconds.
Blessing of the Moon: Lagon’s Statue now throws Tidal Waves which stun and push back enemies.
Frozen Spear: Heorot’s Statue now casts Ice Armor on the player (adds armor, chills attackers and has a chance to freeze them).
Rahyeh’s Wrath: Allows you to channel the third part of the attack indefinitely (drains mana) and the statue will continue channeling it and stacking Marked Ground on target locations.

Eternal Mastery

The Chronicler has delved into the forbidden arts in an attempt to gain mastery over life and death. The process has turned her into a half-living, half-dead being. The mastery can be utilized either as a summoner or a caster. Passive bonuses include increased Ghost damage. Undying basic skills can now be cast by Ghosts (only works with this Mastery). Necro-Rogue type.


Mastery skill
Call the Dead:
Cast to create a ghost of the player. Has a chance to create ghosts of existing player’s allies. Ghosts are immune to DoT but will die to any one hit. Enemies will not target Ghosts before they have cast a spell but can hit them accidentally. Ghosts target the highest health enemies and repeat the attacks of the player on them (will target highest health enemies even if the player casts a skill on another enemy). Ghosted skills cost health. Ghosts cannot cast Call of the Dead. Cannot create Ghosts of attached units. Units summoned by Ghosts are also Ghosts. Recasting the skill while there are active Ghosts will unsummon them and has a lower chance to create Ghosts of existing allies.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Ghost no longer cast any skills but will possess the highest health enemy. That enemy will target allies with their next 3 attacks. 1 Attack for rares. Bosses are stunned for 1 second per Call the Dead cast

  • Recasting Call the Dead while there are active ghosts detonates them and fears enemies around them

  • Ghosted abilities deal double damage but Ghosts disappear after 1 cast.

Unique item: Directly casting Call of the Dead will grant you a Ghost Armor. This effect has a X second cooldown. The armor grants 50% less DoT taken but falls off after receiving 1 hit. Player receives increased damage while Ghost Armor is on cooldown. Player auto-casts Call the Dead every X seconds when Call the Dead is on the skill bar. Existing Ghosts always detonate and now have a chance to freeze enemies instead of fearing them when they detonate.

Skills open to all Masteries:

Soul Bombs:
Cast to throw soul bombs on the ground (throwing attack). The bombs slowly move towards close enemies and explode when near them.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Your active Ghosts now cast a Soul Bomb every X seconds

  • Soul Bombs now attach to enemies and apply damned stacks each second

  • Soul Bombs can now attach to Voiders and inflict to both the Voider and the enemy that the Voider is attached to damned stacks each second with double the rate for enemies

  • Soul Bombs now attach to Gost Priest and infilct both to them and the player with stacks of damned each second - the Gost Priest’s abilites gain increased effect per damned on them and on the player

  • Each time an enemy is damaged by a Soul Bomb he receives increased damage by subsequent Soul Bomb explosions for 1 second.

Unique item: Soul Bombs now summon Asphodels on explosion. Asphodels are necrotic flowers which bloom and deal necrotic DoT. Ghosts will also deal necrotic DoT around them for X seconds every time they cast a skill while within range of an Asphodel.

Necrotic Arrow:
Requires a bow. Fires a necrotic arrow which embeds itself into a target and deals necrotic DoT to a small radius around it. Dissipates according to how much damage it deals overall. Hitting an enemy who already has a Necrotic Arrow embedded with a new one will cause both arrows to dissipate faster, each dealing less damage.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Necrotic Arrow consumes all Ghosts to fire Necrotic Arrows from them towards enemies - 3 arrows from the player’s Ghost, 1 arrow from the Ghosted minions

  • Necrotic Arrows detonate Soul Bombs to cause them to deal increased damage

  • Embedding more than X Necrotic Arrows in a target in less than 2 seconds will cause them to be fired at nearby enemies.

Unique item: Necrotic Arrow no longer requires a bow. Embedding 3 Necrotic Arrows on one enemy will summon 3 Ghost Archers at your location. The Ghost Archers benefit from the Call the Dead tree. Ghost Archers are immune to DoT and immune to hits. However, if all 3 have received a hit then they all die at once. Enemies can be pierced by up to 1 Necrotic Arrow per Ghost Archer and the player without them losing any of their damage.

Mastery only skills:

Soul Depository:
Creates a structure which absorbs all Ghosts as soon as they are formed. Every Ghost stored lasts for X seconds, grands X damage and dissipates after the player takes 100 damage. The Depository benefits the player from any location on the map. The structure can be destroyed by enemies and expires after X seconds.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Stored Ghosts grand more damage but you are limited to X Ghosts

  • While holding the maximum number of Ghosts, any additional ones will cause a Necrotic Explosion

  • Instead of granting damage, the structure now fires a Necrotic Beam to nearby enemies whenever it absorbs a Ghost.

Unique Item: Instead of summoning a structure the Eternal now absorbs the Ghosts herself. Every stored Ghost behaves according to the skill and the passive tree. Every Ghost applies reduced health regen at a geometric rate. This can bring the health regen at a negative value and start draining health. After X seconds all the remaining Ghosts enter the ground and cause explosions under nearby enemies. Those explosions are always critical strikes and cause enemies to deal less damage for X seconds.

Other Self:
Opens a grave which stores the Eternal’s original body. The player now controls an Ethereal of themselves. The Ethereal has 50% dodge rating, 50% armor and capped resistances. Those values cannot change by any means (this includes the Eternal’s other defences, spells, passives and from enemies’ modifiers) and no other defences apply. The Ethereal lasts for X seconds. This duration cannot change by any means. The Ethereal can cast the other 4 spells on her skill bar. The Ethereal does not have any health or ward but any damage it takes is reflected to the Eternal’s original body. The original body cannot regenerate health or ward and cannot be damaged in any other way. When the spell ends, the Eternal returns with the health and ward remaining after all the damage has been applied.
Conversion nodes include:

  • The Ethereal has increased move speed

  • The Ethereal has increased attack speed

  • The Ethereal has increased damage

  • All spells cost half mana

  • Whenever the Ethereal takes damage, Soul Depository fires a Necrotic Beam towards enemies

  • Whenever the Ethereal casts X amount of spells she autocasts a Soul Bomb - Necrotic Arrow

  • Whenever the Ethereal dodges an attack, the damage that would be done is reflected back to the enemy

  • Every time the original body loses 10% of the health or ward that it had upon casting Other Self, a Ghost is created

  • When the Eternal returns, she pushes back enemies and stuns them - creates one Ghost per 10% health lost during Other Self.

Unique Item: N/A

Abyssal Mastery

The Chronicler has attempted to master void magic but ended up being corrupted by it. She is now an agent of Orobyss. (There is only one small change in Mark of Orobyss, the rest of the Abyssal mastery was already perfect.)


Mastery Skill:
Mark of Orobyss:
Marks all nearby enemies with a maximum number of Marks of Orobyss (for example, every cast can only apply up to 3 Marks of Orobyss in total). Once an enemy has 9 marks, the next cast of Mark of Orobyss will consume those 9 marks and remove 14% of their max health. This amount is reduced by 1% for every 10% total health missing on the target when the marks were removed. Marks of Orobyss cannot crit and cannot apply ailments.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Increases the total marks that a cast can apply but limits the maximum number of marks an enemy can receive at once

  • Every time an enemy has had Marks of Orobyss removed they will lose health regen - this effect can bring their health regen to negative values causing them to take DoT - enemies who receive DoT in this way can no longer be damaged by removing Marks of Orobyss but their health regen will deteriorate at a faster rate every time that they are removed.

Unique Item: Removing Marks of Orobyss from an enemy will cause the Eye of Orobyss to open from the ground. The Eye fears enemies for 1 second and causes all enemies who have Marks of Orobyss to deal 20% less damage. The Eye can remain open for 3 seconds and removing more Marks of Orobyss from enemies can increase that duration for 1 second, up to 5 seconds. After the Eye closes, it must remain closed for 10 seconds. While the eye is closed, all enemies who have witnessed the Eye deal 10% more damaged and receive 15% more damage. After 10 seconds you can re-open the Eye by removing Marks of Orobyss. If the Eye gazes an enemy for a second time it will kill them instantly if they are below 15% health.

Skills open to all masteries:

Void Strings:
Casts a web of void energy that summons strings of void at random patterns around you. Those strings pulse, dealing chip damage to enemies. Chip damage applies a massive amount of hits in a very short period but it cannot crit. Void Strings apply ailments at a reduced rate.
Conversion nodes include:

  • strings also slow enemies

  • the strings’ chip damage is converted to damage over time

  • strings apply ailments at a higher rate to enemies with Marks of Orobyss

  • strings apply a Mark of Orobyss every 100 hits but cannot remove them - if strings would apply an extra Mark of Orobyss than the number required for them to be removed then you are damaged instead (for example, if an enemy has 9 Marks of Orobyss they cannot receive a tenth - if they would receive a tenth one from the strings, then you are damaged instead).

Unique Item: Void Strings now also summon Void Spiders which cast their own mini Void Strings and apply Doom on enemies on hit. The Spiders are unsummoned when Void Strings expire.

Starfall of the Abyss:
Channeling. Black stars fall from the sky and damage enemies on hit.
Conversion nodes include:

  • Stars now create Void Pools which deal void DoT and slow enemies

  • Stars apply Black Mass, an ailment which deals 80 void damage for 1 second and then 15 void damage for 2 seconds

  • Stars deal more damage to enemies with Mark of Orobyss

  • Stars cause the enemy hit to take reduced damage but deal void DoT to other nearby enemies.

Unique Item: Enemies hit by stars now are connected by Void Threads if they are within 4 meters with each other. Threads last for 3 seconds. Enemies who are connected by Void Threads now spread 50% of the damage dealt to them to other enemies connected.

Mastery only skills:

Summon Void Centipede:
Summons a Void Centipede to fight for the player. The centipede deals melee void damage.
Conversion nodes include:

  • The humans on the centipede are void mages and deal spell void damage
  • If the centipede dies, it summons 3 void mages on death which benefit from the Void Centipede tree
  • The centipede now summons Corrupt Mages but no longer deals direct damage and cannot summon Void Mages on death.

Unique Item: The player becomes part of the Void Centipede when summoned. The centipede has reduced health but takes all damage before the player does. The player can use 4 of his abilities and Summon Void Centipede is replaced by a melee attack. On death, the centipede is unsummoned and replaced by the player, 2 Void Mages and 2 Corrupt Mages. Void Centipede now has a cooldown which starts upon its death. Does NOT count as a transformation.

The unique class defence mechanic is Mitigation. Mitigation causes a percentage of direct damage received to be mitigated as DoT over a period of time.

Other conversion directives: One of the key class mechanics is converting a skill to necrotic, void or Divine. This comes with inherent changes to the skill’s functions:

  • Convert to necrotic: Summons Ghost units which perform the skill as well.

  • Convert to Void: Gives a high initial burst of damage but greatly reduce it for a duration.

  • Convert to Divine: The skill receives a massive buff. The Chronicler is unable to sustain the amount of power that she uses, so using a skill like that leaves her at a weakened state (e.g. less movement speed, loss of health, resistances or armor etc.)

That’s all for now, thank you for reading! Barbarian mastery comes next.



I think you made an interesting suggestion. You should do the barbarian idea next.

Also, here’s the recipe for the best chocolate chip cookies you should try baking while taking a long ass shower:

Preheat the oven to 325° degrees Fahrenheit.

Melt the butter then allow to cool to room temperature. Using a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar on high speed.

*Note: For cookies with a chewier texture, melt the butter and let cool slightly. Use a wooden spoon to mix the cookie dough together. A mixer incorporates more air into the dough, which will give the cookies a cake-like texture.

Next, add the vanilla extract, egg, egg yolk and beat until smooth. Sift the flour and baking soda together. Stir in the salt. Add the dry ingredients and mix on low until everything is incorporated. Fold in the chocolate chips.

**Note: The amount of chocolate chips you use depends on how chocolaty you want the cookies to be. Some people find 2 cups of chocolate chips a bit too much.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper or spray with non-stick spray. Using a large soup spoon, form equal size rounds of dough (or use a small ice-cream scoop). Make sure to leave enough space between each cookie as they will spread out a bit as they bake. Refrigerate for fifteen minutes before baking.

Bake the cookies for 13 to 15 minutes or until the edges turn a light golden color. Once done, cool for a few minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. Allow to cool completely before serving.

Can’t read further without thoughts of Let me combine this with some precast AOE/land mine stuff :roll_eyes: