The list of my worst enemies in LE as melee

After playing melee Forge Guard for ~500hours, I decided to give some feedback about enemies in monos that I find OP. I play typical shield + 1h melee char that is just spamming Forge Strike all the time basically, nothing sophisticated.

List of my worst enemies that IMHO should be nerfed or changed to be possible to safety conquered by melee chars (some of us like to play HC):
- Convenant of Dominion - my success rate is around 30% - this thing can I shot me in range 250c to 600c - no matter of the aproach and tankiness - the only solution to stay alive - dodge shit and keep fingers crossed while facetanking for a while, rinse/repeat
- Osprix Lighmage, Ascendant Embermage, Sturiax The Burning Sky, Brithblade Palarus, - success rate around 40% - basically every enemy that uses fire meteor hitting from the sky in range 250c to 600c can insta-kill me no matter of the tankiness - the only solution to stay alive - dodge and keep fingers crossed while facetanking, I have tried many approaches EHP from 30k to 40k to single hit. Nothing works for now.
- Scalbane saboteur with his explosive javelin, especially when hitting offscreen (very often) + extra deadly if in group of 3-4 - success rate 60% - next fire dmg crap, when in pack + offscreen = insta deadl
- Lightning elementals in 2-3 pack shoting offscreen - if I canā€™t see what is killing me, I canā€™t react - simple as that, no amount of defences will save me when off-screen mobs are dealing sometime insane dmg
- ice spires on the white floor, fire spires on the red floor etc. - would be nice if those have some additional colors so you can actually see them on similar textures colors of the background/floor

If I were playing HC, I would insta-quit seeing listed above opponents in monos. There is just no way to defend against them playing mele IMHO or at least I donā€™t know of type of defence I could apply to feel safe fighting them.

For the reference I show this char so you can look what defences it utilize. I say I tried also different aproches like full endurance + threshold, stacking fire res utilizing OSPRIXBANE passive. My success rates were maybe +5% higherā€¦ so no luck. And it is no surpise when you are instahit for 5-6k, when you have around 3-3,5k HP (which in many cases translate to 16-20k EHP against one-shots and 8-10k against dots). I am playing CoF SSF so I couldnā€™t test some insane items - just wear what I found in those 500 hours of gameplay and find best tank/dps ratio for my setup.

Iā€™ve been trying to build a tank and it is ok against any other enemy but not this fewā€¦ unfortunately :slight_smile: Well at least to like 550-600c and thatā€™s ok for me and for FG to call it quite successfull build overall IMHO.

I hope this feedback could help better balance enemies. Generally my feel is that fire dealing damage are the worst of all. Does not help the fact I choose class that should be in theory the most tanky against fire LOL :slight_smile:

If you are reading this and can give some practical tips for me how to build more tankiness for my spec it would be much welcome.

There is literally nothing you can do. Do you still get 1 shot by bosses and harbs 300c+? Can you kill abberoth most of the time?

Edit: You could add some stun chance, that would probably increase your ability to deal with them, but hard to say.

I have problem only with the mobs on the list. Maybe there is something special about its abilities that mitigate all my layers of defence. One thing I could try is adding ward on top of HPā€¦ and also add some dodge to the mix. This would up my chances. Still would prefer to be able to just mitigate the damage not trying do avoid it.
The worst thing is sometimes these mobs can onshot me even on very low corruption levels and thats just weird. Maybe their special abilities just deal to much base dmg, so can hit hard from the early levels. IDK

Abbaroth is doable just take some time. Chances of success are 50/50 I would say.

Covenant of Dominion

Osprix Lightmage

Ascendant Embermage

Sturiax the Burning Sky

Brightblade Palarus

Scalebane Saboteur

Lightning Elemental

Not sure how accurate this information is, but it should be a good starting point to understanding what ability is killing you and why. For example, the Meteor skill on the Osprix enemies is Meteorite/Meteor and is purely Fire Damage (though Palarus doesnā€™t have either ability, not sure which one is getting you). Sturiax has a more powerful version with no Cooldown + 3 charges when heā€™s below 70% HP. So make sure your fire resistance is capped and since itā€™s a ā€œhitā€ your armor applies. So the higher that is, the better (even if it gives reduced reductions for elemental damage).

Edit: looking at your character sheet, the defenses I suggested are already solid. Higher Endurance/Threshold would help a bit. But I think the biggest issue is DoTs. You have ~20k eHP vs Fire Hits, but only ~9k vs Fire DoTs. Which is a massive gap. Iā€™d try looking into items/affixes on this list and seeing if you can make any of them work:

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Yes, I came to the same co clusion about DOTs. It is a week point.

I also think some abilities from these listed mobs are counted always as shot far from my char. And that is the only weak point of shield I am using. So even if I am close to the enemy, some abilities counts as fired not from close range. This means I could take big dmg spikes at times and they lead to insta-death. Well at last this is how I feel about itā€¦ have no prove just my theory. If I am right maybe it counts as bug? I am not sure.
Will test some more in the future to investigate fartherā€¦ :crazy_face:

Your character is already pretty tanky. I think youā€™ve discovered what most others have. Gear doesnā€™t really make you tougher in this game. You are always 1 shot away from being killed by something you canā€™t see or some lame boss mechanic that has quick timings. Itā€™s the biggest complaint of the game along with class/skill balance, boss balance, and the LP system being really dumb,

You cannot out gear it. You either play with this in mind or you move on like most of us have,

Well after many hours of tests I came to the conclusion that no amount of defences can save FG from dying from time to time to this listed oponents at higher cc like 700+.

The only working strategy is to kill certain mobs as fast as possible.

I really dont know how people are playing HC in LEā€¦ with all this one shots came offscreen and raging dots :tipping_hand_woman:

My experience: you need to move constantly. Dodging is more important than dealing damage. Just keep moving and attack only when you know you are safe. Especially when there are some deadly units running around.

Yes this is so trueā€¦ still I wanted to be tank, so I donā€™t need to move around all the timeā€¦ but you know, thatā€™s just me :tipping_hand_woman:

You might want to swap to a well rolled Cradle of the Erased shield ( If you know youā€™re facing those monsters. Will give you some ward defenses, and also works at long range unlike the Bastion.

Block didnt work against those enemiesā€¦ iā€™ve been testin it against all of them with 100% block chance and 50-60 block reduction. So this option is no goā€¦ no luck so far against ground and sky explosions :slight_smile:
It seems that with certain mobs abilities is some hidden dmg multiplayer that I cannot understand like maybe big flat + insta shred + insta dot. Or maybe just too big flat numbers on ground abilities and it is enough to kill everything with 4k life and 60% endurance. I really dont knowā€¦ yet :tipping_hand_woman: And I am not able to stack mote than 4k life on this char so it is kind a hard to test.