The Kestrel Unique +Movement Speed does not work

The Kestrel Unique body armor does not add movement speed.

When I equip the chest, my movement speed does not increase - I can’t tell if it actually improves movement speed or not, but the tooltip does not increase.

I tried with the base Unique and also with a legendary version - neither works.

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Same…I wanted to use this armor but the movement speed doesn’t work.

I cannot find a single thing regarding Kestrel and if it’s been fixed or not. Does anyone know anything about the MS bug. Is it only visual?

I have the same behaviour. I tested it and it is not working with version 1.0.6. I noticed that the text on the Kestrel is “+X% Movement Speed” while for example on the Belt “Thorn Slinger” it is “X% Increased Movement Speed” which is working.

So my guess is it is not applied because of the wrong text.