The Imperial Uprising - MTX Reward info?


do we know what is the MTX reward for The Imperial Uprising for killing the skeletons?

I will be honest. The way this was handled is pretty strange and bad. I would expect to see what exactly are the MTX reward before the patch/event is even live yet.

All players who participate in the event by logging in and killing skeletons will be awarded a special MTX at the end of the event. (participation cannot be tracked when playing in full offline mode). For the duration of the event we’ll be tracking the progress of player’s efforts against the undead legions, and sharing updates on our socials .

When I see this, the only things I can think of is either they are rushing to create the special MTX and they have no idea what it is, or they want players to FOMO by saying special so more players play to not miss out.

Its free, there is literally nothing to complain about. You either play the refresh because you enjoy the game and earn it, or you dont. The fomo argument is weak when something is given as a kind gesture for playing the game. Every choice you make in life has a tad of fomo in it, see how pedantic that sounds?


Have you even met the modern gamer?
They will ALWAYS find something to whine about.


Path of Exile challenges are also free, Twitch Drops are also free, but customers/players always know what is the reward and how it looks like. And I am not even walking about thousands of product promotions across all the retail and other industries …

I forgot that many players who defend LE to the dead have low standards, pardon me for asking.

If you two are the players who EHG listen to, this game will not have very bright future.

I’m no white knight.
LE like most games has issues and lots of room for improvement.

Because people who are getting upset over cosmetics are gonna save the game?

Fixed it for you.


No, because many players have standards and if those are not met, they might not return or care. And my complaint is about the lack of proper communication, and whether the item in question is free or not is not important. That is common practice, so I don’t see why you are making fun of me for asking for such things.

As you can see, I have purchased several supporter packs, and I have no issue spending money on games I enjoy.

I want them game to actually be successful, and I am fairly sure that by being silent or not provide any feedback or complain, it won’t be.


The way I see it, the important part is not that it is free, but that it is just a participation reward.
Meaning the time investment to get it is extremely small: log in, do ONE mono, log off, you have the reward. 10 minutes tops and you are done. Anyone vaguely interested in cosmetics should do that, the FOMO is minimal.
If they add some competitive element, which would involve huge time investments, then I would agree with you that rewards need to be clearer.

Also, I agree that to bring back more people to the game, advertising widely and specifically what cosmetics we will get would have been useful. But I don’t feel like it was the target on this occasion.
The event feels more like a quick wrapping around the real point of the update, resetting the servers. Not trying to bring back players / attract new ones, but targetted at people who were already playing, to make them accept the reset.