The game will be translated into Spanish

I would appreciate knowing if you have planned that the game will be late in Spanish. Since there is a very large community that does not play this great game because they are not late.

If yes, for when approximately?

welcome to the forum!

unfortunately, i don’t think there are currently any plans for translation into other languages, but as sarno said in this post it’s something they would like to do, and are looking into for the future.

if you’re looking for a spanish-language community, there’s this unofficial one: A spanish community discord (Last Epoch Hispano)

OK thanks

I wouldn’t consider this to be accurate.

We don’t yet have any news to share. If we weren’t going to translate the game, we would say that.


Ok, if it were translated into Spanish it would be perfect since there are many users who do not play because they are not in Spanish.

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hopefully they will translate it to spanish at some point, as it is one of the biggest communities in all ARPGs. i personally will be creating content in spanish despite the game being in english for those english non-speakers who still dare to play it in english.

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If only they would. Tell me where your content can be seen so I can see it. Garcias.

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you can find me on youtube and twitch as “El Perro Barbaro”. i only made a live stream until now, but i am planning on create a lot of content related to this game!

Perfect I’ll see thanks.
Hopefully put the game late in Spanish. Regards

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