The endgame is…boring

I loved this game. I had a blast with it for almost 100 hours, which already got my money’s worth in my opinion. With that being said, it doesn’t mean I found this game perfect and with no room for improvement.
I am currently at level 98 and have been farming corruption 300+ monolith for a while. It got repetitive very quickly, and the loots were not all exciting with 99% of the unique drops useless and little to no t7 nor double t6 drop. The boss unique item farming is probably the worst in all the ARPGs I’ve played, including D4. You must do echoes for over 20 minutes to get ONE ticket. In D4, you at least can do Duriel with a group as many times as you want in a row, and the materials are tradable. Although it’s also tedious enough, Uber unique farming is still less repetitive than doing echoes. After 4 days of farming for more than 20 hours in total, I finally got my twisted heart of uhkeiros with no lp. I was happy, but the thought of doing it again and again for the 3 LP or 4 LP items put me off completely. I don’t mind grinding for gears to be stronger, but please make the process a bit more fun.
Here are my suggestions.

  1. Make the unwanted unique items useful. let us exchange them for random unique items with more lp.
    For example,
    5 same type 0 lp items => 1 random same type 1 lp item.
    4 same type 1 lp items => 1 random same type 2 lp item.
    3 same type 2 lp items => 1 random same type 3 lp item.
    4 lp items can only be dropped in 400+ corruption monolith.
    This way, whenever a unique drops, we at least could have a little excitement to pick it up or a sense of working toward something. We would still have a reason to push higher corruption if we want to reach perfection.
  2. Cut the stability required for boss farming. If we could fight the boss once every 3-4 echoes, it would be more satisfying and a lot less tedious. Make the boss ticket open at 200 stability and reset it after you kill the boss. However, if you kill the boss before gaining 900 stability (current rule), you won’t get the gaze of orobyss.

This is not a complaint. Like I said, I think this game is overall very good for $34.99, and most people will have a very good time with it. Currently, I don’t see myself spending another 100 hours in Monolith, but I’ll always look forward to more interesting content in this game in the future.


This would be nice.

This would not. Uniques with LP are one half of the most powerful possible items in the game. They are the pinnacle chase items, they are supposed to be hard to get. There should absolutely not be a guaranteed way to generate them at all, but especially not in a “trade up” way that would turn 90% of the loot hunt into “drop/buy and hoard tons of uniques, then spam combine”.

20 whole minutes?!!?! The humanity.


More importantly, your title is extremely dishonest and misleading as compared to what you’re actually complaining about and want changed. These are not “make the endgame less boring” thoughts, these are “make it faster and easier for me to get the best loot” thoughts.


“Just do Duriel”?!? Are you nuts or just buying gold/mats for real money? Farming mats for Duriel is much worse than progressing through monolith and let me tell you, in season 2 i did around 1500 duriel runs and i got only half the ubers, missing the 2 i wanted the most. If you are not satisfied with your drops go farm bazaar.


I’ve spent around 300hrs in the beta and 100 in the new cycle.

For me, 1.0 has been exciting, trade was never a thing in neta so using the market to gear up the same builds i was using inbeta but witnessing its potential with legendary crafted items.

Im enjoying making money using the merchanta guild loot filter and spending to gear up a class.

I have 2 characters in their late 90s and I am super excited to try another class soon.

Endgame gets repetitive, but like any ARPG, that is what you do. Grind and find loot.

Its been great for me, coming home after work to turn off my brain and grind some monos.

Seeing what EHG has done so far with the game, it excites me immensely for the future cycle patches


I agree the monolith can get abit repetitive, but i feel like its mostly because i ain’t really grinding for anything?.
In PoE i do maps to get Guardian maps, to then try to compete with pinnacle bosses, on ssf i can maybe farm for 2-3 of those fights in a full day of play in a weekend 10-15hours, but it give me a purpose to keep grinding - and if i fail it gives me a reason to keep gearing up and crafting.
So i think with 1.1 - 1.2 coming that includes pinnacle boss systems / and more endgame activties monolith might seem abit less repetitive, since its already a super great foundation - nearly as good as PoE maps i would say.

Nope i don’t think that bosses should be spammable, it removes the soul from the great systems that the developers made - if you wanna just get level 90 in 5-10h and spam the same 2-3 bosses over and over again D4 is the call.

I enjoy the game a lot. I have played 150 hours so far. But the repetition is kicking in now, and I don’t see myself grinding monos/dungeons for much longer (especially when Dragons Dogma 2 comes out). Got to level 100 and quite well geared on Lich main, then 70 on alt. Got my money’s worth for sure, and I’ll be back for 1.1. Overall, a good experience.

That’s true for a lot of ARPG games but I think it’s not the same for LE because the gameplay of LE feels a bit sluggish from time to time depending on the build you use. PoE and even Diablo 4 heck even Wolcen is playable more smoothly then LE.

That’s the reason that makes LE endgame to me more tedious and boring then other games.

For improvements… CoF should add an option to grind down unwanted uniques and use the ressource they get of of this to gamble for uniques at the vendor at a high cost so they get one new unique out of 10 or something like that.
On the other hand a LP filter for uniques would help because wasting time looking at 0 or 1 LP uniques is getting tiresome realy fast.

The boring thing is to read this topic! :laughing:

I mean, anyone trying to argue that monoliths aren’t boring are lying to themselves or just lying to everyone else. This has been the #1 complaint about the game since EA, and even the devs have acknowledged the game needs more/better endgame content. Even dungeons are basically just rebranded monoliths.

That said, adopting D4 mechanics should be the last thing on EHG’s list. Right after just deleting the game from everyone’s hard drives and throwing the whole game in the trash.

Big disagree from me here. I hate mechanics that will lead to slow accumulative progress. That will take away any joy of random lucky drops and make every kind of farming too predictable and grind.

I prefer drops to stay infrequent and unpredictable.

The amount of stability is already scaling massively with
A) depth
B) corruption

So if you are already at high amounts of Corruption try preparing a well developed echo web without resetting it constantly. You can already cut down the amount of echoes needed to complete to unlock the boss massively. By a margin of 2-4 less echoes required. On well developed timelines we are already talking about 5-10 echoes to unlock the boss.

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Obviously I am heavily biased, because I love LE as a whole.

But I never thought it is as bad as many people make it seem.

Yes, the in-echo experience needs some more spice.
But the monolith system as a whole is the most solid endgame system of any endgame systems IMO. You can already see how adaptable and modular it is designed. The devs have unlimited possibilities to expand on this system.

But yeah I would agree that some more cool in-echo thing should be priority.

I hope that we get this on top of the Pinnacle Boss with 1.1


I have the same issue, and it’s not just that the stability is boring. The system is tedious and seeks to artificially extend farming times, such as having to rush monoliths to change a blessing or increase stability to kill a boss and get the ring that you’ve already gotten 90 times and you don’t even loot it anymore… The game doesn’t value the time you invest because it’s poorly designed. The trade system arrive for solve that massive farm times but it was a failure.

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Man, it’s FIRST cycle XD It’s as base game as it can be, later they will add tons of content like PoE did, tell me where were Your guardian maps before Shaper even existed XD

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Another frustrated CoF player who wish he’d gone MG. This is all about loot.

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The second cycl3 in July or August you know. Even D4 get content for 1 full month

Ignore the people with obnoxious opinions, it wouldnt make a difference for them if they have to farm 3-4 echos or 10k echos, as they farm all day. Those with more limited time is really goddamn boring. I agree with most of your suggestion, the loot part i rather be rng, but the hyper grind for a boss fight is annoying. The game is in it’s first cycle, so i imagine it will get better. I hope it will not take the lazy route as D4 but also hope it will not be the sweaty ass tryhard of PoE, at least not for a while, maybe after they add a good amount of content (and trim a bit to also not get unnecessarily massive). The boss fights are great, for me i dont even mind the loot that much as i enjoy hard fights with mechanics, where it is not just go there, press 1 button, kill the boss, repeat.

Like few of the people already mentioned, this would end up ruining the game. Maybe all this but without increasing LP could make more sense

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Monos are just boring to me CONCEPTUALLY. The gear grind is…whatever.

I feel like once the story is over, so is my character’s journey. I’m ok with that, especially at this price point.

Still, the end game is just…meh. Logging into some rock floating in theof space and clicking on a webbed map just isn’t doing it for me.

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i would not say it is that bad but the content is not there. Obviously, it is season 1. I would suggest to try other builds or wait a year or two and see it there is new stuff :slight_smile:

People think they can always win if they gamble, but that’s not the case. To exchange for “one random” 3 LP item, you need to farm for a long time lol, and to get one 3 LP item that you want, you must be extremely lucky.

I’ve played almost 100 hours, I know. Look at how many “same type” unwanted 2 LP unique items in your stash that you can forgo right now. (they would be a duplicate or you are 100% sure that you won’t play an alt that will use them in the future). If you want to use 0 lp items, that would be 60 “same type” 0 lp or 12 same type 1 lp items for one exchange. How many tries do you think you need before you get the one item you want, I wonder? In my case, 100 hours of gameplay is not even enough.

Anyway, the point is to have some incentive to pick up those 0 or 1 lp unique items on the ground and get some tiny dopamine when they drop. How much incentive is there if you can only exchange 0 lp for 0 lp? Why not just farm rune of ascendance?