A few days ago I noticed that it seemed like there was a large jump in the reputation needed to progress past rank 5/6, until I learned that you also gain reputation when you spend favor. After that I started saving/selling good exalted items that other builds might want to buy, but after a few days now I’m starting to recognize a separate issue.
Obviously one doesn’t want to undersell themselves, so if you have a good item it behooves you to list it high, and then bring the price down over time. I was doing this, and noticed that you don’t get any favor refunded when you unlist an item. At the time that didn’t bother me, but after a few days of thinking about it I now understand why so many people are selling cheap items for 0 gold.
I’m not sure whether it’s intentional or not, but this places a downward pressure on prices. Rather than list an item a bit more than I think it might be worth, I’m incentivized to list it below what it might be worth - but then anyone else price-checking before listing their item would be incentivized to undercut me, leading to a race to the bottom.
It could be that this is intentional - after all, the real point of trade isn’t to make money, but to let other players make use of items that would otherwise get sold to a vendor.
I’m not sure I have any suggestions about this. I’ll need to keep thinking about it. But I wanted to start a thread about it because I didn’t see one listed here yet.