I was playing multiplayer with a few friends where we completed most of the quests past The Desert Waystation before we ended our play for the night. I noticed when logging back in that I cannot progress past “The Desert Waystation” quest where it advises me to “Use the Artificial Waypoint” I have ported using the artificial waypoint multiple times on both single player and multiplayer modes to try and progress past.
Log Files Attached. https://imgur.com/a/ov3yZPs for screenshot of me standing on pad where the Artificial waypoint takes me quest still showing not completed.
I am also having this issue and two of my friends have also gotten stuck here. There is a reddit post that some QA from the last epoch. Ive tried the quest solo and in a party restarted my computer and checked for corrupted files via steam but nothing has worked
Same with my character. Happened with 2 of our 3 during mulitplayer and now we also cannot complete the quest. Tried what Koppa315 did, leaving and reforming, leaving and soloing it etc… one person succeeded (party leader) and rest of us are bugged (myself and EgweneSedai). Thanks in advance for the help
Playing as Party-Leader with 2 friends: They both get the update of the quest when using the waypoint, i didnt get it.
There seems to be no way for me to finish this quest!
Please fix this, thanks!
from what ive seen its a bug where if you are in a party and do quests the quest will bug out and not progress, I had this happen and havent played on the bugged character or with any one in my party and I keep checking if its been fixed and still nothing, I have tried just about everything from retracing my steps of the quest from beginning to the point im stuck at, to reinstalling the game and still no fix.
I have the same bug (look answers up), but i keep on playing and finished all the other quests including the complete Storyline.
I am Level 96 now in the Endgame and this quest is still open - but ok - i hope they fix this fast as possible, nobody like this kind of bugs…
This is probably on the Devs radar but since it’s only an annoyance and not game hindering, I don’t see this getting fixed until Launch at the earliest.
Happened to my first character, Just started playing a week ago. I’ll probably reroll and catch the other character up so I can play with my friend.
I’m really hoping they solve the movement skill issues when playing on multiplayer.
This one confused me. When I want walked into the Waystation, nothing happened. Once I ported to The Desert Waystation (Imperial Era) to the East, the quest completion popup came up.
Just want to add that my friends and I all hit this bug as well. We were partied in a 3-player group. We’re able to use the Artificial Waypoint, but do not get credit for the quest. We’ve tried going solo, reloading the game, etc. Nothing works and the quest remains on that step “Use the Artificial Waypoint”.
This bug is still happening, I was in a party but my friend who was many acts ahead of me wasn’t in the area, I was not the party lead and was progressing in my own storyline, they did not enter the area beforehand as we were only linking items to each other in party chat and not playing together.
Looking at the Reddit thread with the same bug that the QA team responded to over 4 months ago is quite disheartening, it’s going to annoy the living hell out of me with it sitting there in end-game and almost makes me want to delete my character to get rid of it, although if I do will it be the last bug that I come across?
I hope this will get fixed as it blocks progression and is annoying but I doubt it will be any time soon as it’s existed for over 4 months and I presume the team is working on the 1.0 release.
i thought i had the issue
found on reddit that the ladder on the left glows light blue, if you ran into it you get transition to a side are and can complete the quest
maybe you got the same problem
Where is this ladder you talking about? I looked everywhere there is nothing. Pretty sure my quest is bugged as well after doing it in Multiplayer with a friend!