The Convergence Update - Beta 0.9 Patch Notes


They change affixes rather than just remove them, so if that one was changed, any existing item with it would get the replacement affix.

armour and resists are completely separate and armour does not apply to damage over time effects like the poison i was talking about though sure they are both damage taken reduction effects

i can’t see it in game as part of the game guide though i recall seeing it in game maybe as loading screen tip about enemies getting resist per level and a quick check of early ruined era late divine era and lvl 100 monolith dis suggest that the enemies are getting resists and armour over the level scaling though exact numbers would be hard to check for certain
and even if the main “trash” mobs in game don’t have resistances from level it is only really boss’s that you care about damage output against as if you struggle with trash mobs for any reason other than only have single target damage you are going to have a much worse time against boss’s

sure the post about it didn’t say a “massive drop nerf” but that doesn’t sell people on a product very well either and it DOES say that there will be a reduction in loot and increases to enemy power to combat the “dramatic increase in player power” that either trade or fortune would bring

Maybe dumb question. New reaper form is ”pushed back” does this mean maybe during 0.9.0
or is it coming 0.9.1?


RIP muh exalteds…

Nice points, mate. I agree with them all. Still deciding what I will go, don’t know If I will repeat the ones I had (VK do, Bladedancer bf) or go to something completly new to me, like primalist druid lightning bug, which seems will be strong and tanky. 2 days :partying_face:

Poggies. Hyped for the release!

It’s official, last epoch hype is back on the menu boys and girls

I looks absolutely awesome, my minor preliminar complaints, keep in mind we will need some real game experience to give true feedback, but by just the stated above:

  • Moving CDR to suffixes, is not good, suffixes are really tight trying to boost defenses, and specially on belt where you are already with increased + hybrid health as obligatory… not great.

  • Wings of Argentus is a new dead unique, the DR nerf would be ok IF you could get some LP in it (I mean you technically can, maybe 1LP with less than 1% chance? and good luck with the legendary smash afterwards), but losing to both the lack of vit and increased health is not an option for a chest.

  • The nerf of Bastion is not competent enough, still BiS on most builds.


What does this mean?
flavourful one? :thinking:

I was waiting for this! :heart_eyes:

I agree with Ninakoru.

The nerf to Wings of Argentus seems too strong, considering its rarity and LP Potential.

Want to also mention in a comment:

We’ve added a “Changes and Additions” section to the patch notes, which will cover any updates to the patch notes (aside from typo fixes). At the current time this includes the following:

  • Added section for Dread Shade
    • Dread Shade can only be cast on your minions, not allies minions.
    • Symbiotic Apparition now causes Dread Shade to affect you, but not other party members.
  • Added section for Leaderboards
    • Leaderboards will be unavailable during 0.9 and will be returning 0.9.1

There is another change that is missing from the Patch Notes.

Anomaly’s Time Bubble now inflicts 2 Void Resistance Shred/s instead of “enemies take increased void damage”

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How does Essence of Celerity scale? How many points does it have max and what each point gives? Is the 2% increased spell damage per point or overall?

yep totems stil could easily get much more damage effectivenes compared to the other builds, easily 100% for a thorn totem and 130-150% for a storm totem, single projectile for a thorn totem is a little buff but not really changing that much, especially when we compare them to ridicolously overpowered druid builds as swarmblade and werebear

also, some changes to ballista but not really making it playable again after an undeserved nerf, when it never even was a top 3 rogue build

So moving CDR to a suffix has made belt stat choices sometimes require more consideration than just “always pick health every time”. That sounds like they met a design goal to me.

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Hello I was reading through the Multiplayer notes and I don’t see anything mentioned about penalties playing with people who are lower/higher level than each other…

Can anyone shed some light on that topic?

My friends and I have varying work schedules and it would be a shame if we were dissuaded from playing together based on some minor level discrepancies. Thanks.

There is no bonus or penatly to exp.

There is just a system in place to cap off exessive exp gain from fighting in areas that are way above your characters level.

Thank you for that.
So am I correct in assuming any further progressed person can go back and help someone without any negative repercussions to that lower level player in the lower level player’s appropriate zone/levelling content?

I guess the adjustments to Frostbite as a whole and the Ailment Effect change saved Snowdrift from further adjustments, well for now at least. A little sad with the overall speed hits to most of the builds I shoot for but I had a feeling they were looming overhead. We’ll see where we end up moving forward in terms of balancing as things settle into place.

Although I’m hoping some controller refinements happened from MP beta to now and didn’t make it into the patch notes. As it’ll be a miserable experience if it stays as is with something as simple as waypoints and other objects being non-interactive with the controller’s targeting.

Interested on this as well. It would give me inspiration to give Tornado another go around. But if this isn’t on the table for 0.9, then I’ll just keep Shaman on hold until it gets the rework it desperately needs.
