The Convergence Update - Beta 0.9 Patch Notes

Took a long time to notice, because no one was using chaining hammers, and now nerfed damage by 1/3 …

RIP bee paladin, for the sake of multiplayer balance

I guess this is the real reason we don’t have DPS meter

Isn’t it too much? Up to 300 endurance threshold for 4 sigils

Probably typo, per stack of time rot

New monster mods are brutal

I believe they are invulnerable while using movement abilities, is it changed?

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Last time I spent this much on a single text I was reading War and Peace.


Yeah, it is sad that some single player builds are getting balanced out for the sake of MP balance. Any summon-related build, or forge guard build that was meant to complement holy aura is now not viable.

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I hold my judgement but reading the patch notes doesn’t give me hope that the Assemble abomination AI is improved and is still mostly just going to run around the enemies in circles or try to hump your leg while being blocked by enemies instead of attacking them on it’s way to again just hump your leg.

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I’m having trouble understanding this part. Could someone explain this a bit more?

I can’t recall if we made adjustments to Abomination’s AI. If you play and feel that it’s AI doesn’t feel great in 0.9 for this specific minion, please report it under bug reports. We can definitely tweak the values to make it feel more responsive in combat.

Does this imply that the large delay when joining new zones during multiplayer campaign will remain?


I agree with the motivation behind the change, but increasing the base cooldown of abilities, while a solution, is not a good one. It is just hurting people who don’t need the stat and that’s not good since it seems like they were already in a good place. You are affecting abilities that are potentially needed for defensive purposes.

I think a better solution would be to either reduce the effectiveness of cooldown recovery speed on traversal skills or just put a hard limit on how low you can reduce these specific abilities. The latter also future proofs it against additional cooldown recovery speed changes. For example Shift stays at base 3 second cooldown but will never go below 2.7 seconds.


Yes, they can now take damage during the leap & will die at the end of it if they took enough damage.

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Just as they do not want movement skills to become a willy-nilly method of speedily traversing levels (as opposed to running) like they are in some games, I expect that they also do not want movement skills to be treated as a willy-nilly defensive ability. In other words, if movement skills are going to be used as a line of defense, they want it to involve a bit more strategy than just spamming your dash button whenever you see damage incoming. In that light, a longer cooldown is not actually a problem.


Mike said it uses the same AI as the other minions.

It’s intentional that there will now be more variance in traversal skill cooldown based on your gear. We’re aiming to making gear matter more for how your character feels to play, and for the pace of gameplay to change a bit more from early game to endgame. The changes to the availability of cooldown recovery speed and the addition of the increased area affixes are part of that.


Wait, Reaper Form is not getting an update this patch? What happened to that sweet model you’ve shown?

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It got pushed back.

Making cooldown recovery speed into a suffix is, in my opinion, a serious mistake. Cooldown recovery speed is entirely an offensive stat on the builds that need it, and on the builds that only want it as quality of life, it’s still less of a defensive stat than say, movement speed. I was pretty sure that the way you divided up prefixes and suffixes was meant to encourage people to actually get offensive stats, and even then I (and likely many other players) still put strength affixes on characters that get nothing but armor out of it.


Many builds that don’t need cooldown recovery are nerfed, they need to sacrifice a suffix or choose worse base type to remain on the same level as before. Meanwhile builds that already want cooldown recovery are buffed. There should be some middle ground, for example an idol-only affix with “movement skill cooldown recovery” that maybe doesn’t stack with other sources of cooldown recovery


The animations and vfx aren’t quite ready. It’s close though.

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Yes, they now take damage during movement abilities but won’t die until the ability finishes.

Minions generally use the same AI system but there are values on both the minion itself and its abilities that can be changed.

Either way, we welcome feedback about minion behavior.

Going to a different zone in the campaign works differently than loading a new echo, so yes there is more of a delay in campaign. We fixed some issues that appeared during the Open Weekend that contributed to longer load times but it’s something we’re still working on.

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Yup, can’t have players using more frequent movement skills to avoid one shots /s


Which is, in my opinion, a PRO. I like that they’re playing around, and (please, note) working to fine tune more strategic and thoughtful play rather than just “I GO INTO ROBOT MODE AND JUST SPAM A BUTTON EVERY OTHER SECOND.”