The classes already need a makeover

This I can totally agree with. Some classes are a chore to level up and skills can feel extremely dull until you have enough points to invest in them. Perhaps that is the main reason I cannot get into the game lately, as the first 20-30 levels on a new character can be a bit boring.

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I’ve played a lot if rogue recently and was thinking the exact same when I got my first impression. “I’ll never play another class!”

Actually I’m mixing in sessions with my other characters just to not get burned out on the rogue. And I appreciate that other classes feel different. Ok, I missed mobility in my Paladin so I switched a teleport into my loadout in addition to lunge. Now I have 2 mobility skills that let me play way faster than before.

Also I’ve gotten a different view on some builds and some ideas to adjust existing builds or even make new one.

So playstyle wise its absolutely ok that there are these differences. If the first hype is over, classes will be mixed up again.

The skill interactions defenitely is superb on rogue and lackluster on other chars. Certainly the devs are aware and overhauls and adjustments are incoming.

I would agree the Rogue is superior in terms of design and synergy to the existing classes. But overall I like the other classes just as much. They just need some love visually (all look a bit wooden compared to Rogue) and some more visual flare to their skills. Sentinel particularly lacks oomph in terms of its visuals.

I would say though I think the mix of standard genre tropes and weird out there stuff is about right. 20 levels is not enough to judge the classes. I was very underwhelmed by primalist until I hit level 55 then I’ve started to quite enjoy it.

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