The chance of an end game skill tree on a single skill

We all know that at the very end of the game we have our favorite skill at where we basically just use a set of five skills and that’s it. How bout at lvl 100 we pick a single skill upgraded called signature skills where we got a skill tree that lvl up to lets say 15 where we pick 3 skill with six lvl 5 max nodes on them.

For Example lets say Smite


  1. Well spring - A random area near you open, staying in that area increase cast speed of smite and temporary shield with half of your Mana.
  • Rate Of Frequency
  • Duration
  • Area
  • Cast speed & Damage
  • Regen Shield or HP
  • AoE burn effect on spawned area.
  1. Legion - Add 15 Sec CD but summon 5 minion that smites your enemy, they also die with a smite that deals 110% of damage area of 150%. Each one is 25% of your total base stats.
  • Duration
  • Cast speed & Damage
  • Buff Stat
  • More Legion
  • More Explode with less duration
  • Single Guardian 75% of your stat 200%f HP, on death explodes for 500% damage.
  1. Aura Of Smite - Smite enemy around you for 10 sec with 30 sec CD
  • Cooldown
  • Duration
  • Area
  • Smaller Area but reduce CD by half
  • Frequency of Smite
  • Permanent Fire/lightning Aura with 10% of smite damage for each activation burn for 25% until the skill ends.

This should only work with mastery and advance skills not basic.

If you want to make level 100 special, what it isn’t right now, you need to adjust the EXP curve so average joe who playes 10h a week can reach it. EHG for whatever reason wants lvl 100 to be a big thing you never reach as kind of the smallest carrot in the universe to chase.

In the past I said the game needs some kind of endgame progression from lvl 75 on because at this level you don’t get very much ingame anymore and you are most likely done getting all the important stuff for your build and only get some minor % increases here and there that do nothing much in the big picture.

We never heared back from the devs if they have something in mind or not or if they are even intrested in this kind of stuff and we only have this kind of void we all know from playing LE endgame.

Actually, quite the opposite. EHG wants players to feel like level 100 isn’t something that you absolutely need to do. Which is why they oppose systems like paragon, because they make level 100 feel mandatory.
Level 100 is a “side quest” that you can do if you want to chase it, but not something that gives you an in-game advantage.

Sidenote: it’s heard, not heared :slight_smile:
I expect they want the exact same thing GGG wants. Level 100 isn’t important, you can chase it if you want to, but your seasonal progression comes from advancing endgame systems and not the level itself.

In PoE, a level 80 can reach the same progress in the game as a level 100. I expect they want LE to stay like that as well. We just don’t have enough endgame progression mechanics in LE yet.

Why on earth would that make it “special”?

Even I would’ve have a go at a non-native English speaker for their English.

I actually only corrected him because in the other thread he appreciated being corrected on a different word :slight_smile:


*had a go

“would’ve” already means “would have” and I can’t think of a situation where “would have have” is correct English.

That’s unless you meant “wouldn’t”, of course :wink:

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You could, though it would would need a quite contrived conversation to make it come up.
Basically, you need to turn “have” into a noun(?) (I’m not sure on the terminology in English). Something like “<whatever might make sense” would have “have” in it."

It’s called nominalization.

And I still can’t think of a situation where such a use would exist.

In what way would you be able to be the hypothetical holder/owner of “a have” ?

You could be analyzing texts and the usage of the verb have in distinct works of an author, I guess. Or a breakdown of the most used verbs. And you’d have to be doing it as a sort of historical presentation, to justify the past tense.
“But “TheBestBookEver” would have “have” as the most used verb, as opposed to the more common occurrence of “ameliorate” in the rest”

As I said, a contrived situation, one that would almost certainly never occur. But I do find it fun to think of situations like these.

For example, there is a correct sentence where you say “and” 5 times in a row. Exactly by the use of nominalization (nice to have a term for it). Imagine you hired someone to make you some lettering for your business “Bread And Butter”. They send it to you and you reply “The spacing between ‘Bread’ and ‘And’ and ‘And’ and ‘Butter’ is different”.
Totally useless, I know. But I find it fun. :laughing:


Wait till you have to explain that with an “Ampersand” in it!

But I guess that does mean a “would have have” scenario exists, although I’m gonna go on a limb and assume that’s not what he actually meant.

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Is what I meant. I blame phone keyboards.

In that case; I think there is a difference between a “Side-note: I’m helping you understand the stupidity that is the English language, regardless of your argument” or “ROFLMAO dude cant even english good his point is wordless!!!1”

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And also for some people the enjoyment - even if other ways to progress are there - is basically over when nothing directly visible can be reached anymore. Hence when 99 ticks to 100… shortly after the character is ‘done’.

Yes. That is another reason why getting to level 100 is hard. Both in LE and in PoE. Although in PoE it isn’t as hard as it used to be, due to the power creep and the level of defenses.

And a character getting to level 100 isn’t necessarily the point when your character is “done”. There is still the game progression to take into account. You can have a character at level 100 but you still haven’t reached the “end” of sanctum/ultimatum/heist/whatever progression.
So you will still keep playing because you still have things to improve in the game. The current big difference is that PoE has dozens of such systems, whereas LE only has 1. And that only time can potentially fix.

After D2 wasn’t a thing anymore getting max level was a normal thing in H&S games and the percerption shifted. So why devolve into a dated system that is alien to “most” people playing said games? D2 vets and PoE players might like this for whatever reason but I personaly know no casual players whio think this is a good thing.


Because it’s a milestone for maost players I know and a source of frustration knowing they never reach it.

Having a conversation and getting some grammer basics back is Win:Win for me ^^.

Yes that’s why maxlevel is only one milestone of many ^^. Nothing that should be hidden behind a grind noone with 3 familys 8 kids and 4 dogs will ever beat. In LE starting from lvl 80ish each point I spent is worth less and less. Same goes for PoE because most builds have their important notes at least at level 70ish.

That brings me to the final question… If lvl 100 isn’t important at all to you why make it unreachable in a meaningfull time frame?

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If everyone can reach it then it’s a participation medal, not special.

For most players with enough time at their hand this line of sight is completely correct. On the other hand I have a friend with little time who still struggels through Act3 in PoE2 while only playing one toon. To him it was even something big to reach max level in D3 in one season.
His most fav genre are hack and slash games and when we were kids we played D1 and D2 24/7 so to speak but his life took a different path. Knowing him I met a ton of people with little time at their hands that are so slow I would’ve never imagined it such people are out their. For them it would be a big thing if maxlevel was reachable in a season and everyone else who isn’t caring about it anyway loses nothing.

D2 never stopped being a thing. It’s still a thing. PD2 alone has more players regularly than several more recent diablo-likes.
Also, D3 was the game that first made the “reach max level and then get a progression system after it” actually popular. And that was because it was clearly targetted at casuals. But the success of PoE shows that there is a different playerbase that likes many of the old systems better.

Not all old mechanics have to be thrown out the window. Plenty still have their place in modern gaming. Not all games are alike or target the same players. Otherwise you just end up with multiple D3/D4s and the playerbase that enjoys D2/PoE/etc don’t have a game to play anymore.

Casual players don’t even get to level 100 in D4, which is targetted for them.

Because if you don’t make it unreachable in a meaningful (only one L :slight_smile:) time frame, you then get people asking for a post-level 100 system like paragon (which you already do, btw, only now you only have a couple people asking for it). And when you implement a post-level 100 system, then level 100 becomes mandatory.

Why? If you say “That’s it” then just end the convo there, build a hill to die on… call it whatever you like. That’s not realy an argument for me because I’m used to say “Nah!”. On the other hand that converion is non essential to me because if I want to I can level to 100 because I have plenty of time at my hands but for others I know this is a big dicouragement. It’s most likely a mental thing at the end of the day. If you can’t reach max at least level wise why even bother?

Because, as Kulze pointed out, most people that reach max level consider their character as “done”. So they stop playing.
So you either create a post-100 system to keep them playing, or you make 100 hard to get to.
After all, post-100 systems of progression have become as expectable as reaching max level itself. Player expectations shifted on that as well.

So what’s the effective difference of building a hill to die on “max level is hard to get to” or “you don’t get any post-max level systems”?. And the answer is simply what types of players you want playing your game.

The “I want to reach level 100 in an easy fashion” are part of the playerbase that want faster gratification with little grind. Which is not what LE aims at. There already exists D3/D4 for that.

And, as a sidenote, the “friend with little time” isn’t a valid argument for this. This is a genre that requires time investment. If you don’t have the time to invest, you should try another genre. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s true.
There are idle/clicker games that require years to finish. Should they make everything easier to finish in a couple of weeks because some people don’t have the time for it? Or should those people look for different types of games that will fit withing their available free time?