Thank you for the memories

Could you give an example of a “good” game?
So far you have explained to us that BG3 is horrible, Witcher is bad, and Last Epoch is positively dreadful.
As BG3 and Witcher are widely regarded as some of the best RPGs ever, I am curious to hear what is good in your book?
Apparently a “good” game is a game that people play forever. I fear by this definition, there has never been any good game.

Also, what does “quitting” mean exactly?
I have played dozens (probably hundreds) of games. After playing through a game a few times, I play something else. Right now I am playing Fallout 4 (I had to go back, the series was just TOO good) that I had “quit” over 5 years ago. Once I am done I am planning another BG3 run, a game I “quit” in March.
Playing a game is not supposed to be, til death do us part.


You where, you inserted quotes to show you did not say it, but GGG did. That is what your refering to. As to the engine itself i do not code so the specifics do not tell me anything. Nor would they to you, since your not making the game, and if you did you would not be here trolling.

My experience with life is far greater then anyone here. I moved countries, learned a English from the point of speaking with my hands, learned 4 different languages, can draw, do sports, draw, use ai, record and public speak. I been through such bullying and borderline emotional abuse for 20+ YEARS. I BEEN through such challenges poor people should never even begin to comprehend. Your insult is out of place and uneeded when you do not know me one bit.

Back to the OP point. After. Looking at the news for 1.1 seeing the new nemesis system will hopefully provide a better way to gear via campaign so maybe some of his criticisms here will be fixed.

sigh still no. I never said GGG said that though it’ll have been part of their thought processes slightly more detailed than a generic “where do we spend our limited resources”.

Have you ever had to deal with resource constraints? Or decision making in general?

You implied that because GGG (who use their own in-house engine so can “easily” modify it to their heart’s desire) has added a lot of different stuff in their first 5 years that EHG should have added a comparable amount of stuff despite them not using their own in-house developed engine. You’re also apparently very happy to ingore all of the stuff they have added which has taken a phenomenal amount of effort (multiplayer alone took several years to develop/add & we all know that it’s not exactly been bump-free).

Exactly, I’m not a programmer or even work in the software development industry (though I did briefly do maternity leave cover for a small software company). I may not understand the specifics, but I am capable of understanding, or at least thinking through the bigger picture descriptions and I’m well aware (personally and professionally) that stiff takes time to do.

You say that but you know as little about us as we know about you. They say travel broadens the mind but I’m not sure I see it. In previous posts you have shown previous little compassion, awareness of or concern for other people (& I say that as someone who’s likely borderline autistic).

I’m genuinely sorry you’ve been through bullying for a long time. It’s shit & nobody should have to.

Yes only you have been through travails of life. Nobody else has had as hard a time as you. You can’t say that because you don’t know what other people have been through. This is not an “I’ve had a hard life” pissing contest.



Just by the advantage of age, many of us have gathered much more life experience and were taught tough lessons by life. I, for example, have been through quite some shit before you were even born. Unfortunately, being bullied and abused is nothing that happened exclusively to you. I’m sorry that you had to go through this.

What gives quite some life experience is raising kids or caring for other people, because you don’t just get experiences from your own life.

Working in various jobs also helps to develop some perspective. The responsibilities one might have, either for projects or for people that work for you.

If I recall correctly, you have done a lot in your life, like sitting all day in your room to accumulate the 10+ hours on average per day to play PC games for 70k hours in your still young life. That was something you seemed to be proud of in another thread.

One can have experiences without learning much from them, I am afraid. Many people that go to other countries avoid new experiences as much as possible. They eat what they know, they speak to their (in my case: German) colleagues instead of mingling with the locals, etc.


There is no game where the majority finished it, at least since the 90s. And that’s just because players usually have the attention span of a goldfish. They start a game, they get attracted to a new one and start that one and don’t return to the previous one.
So according to your definition, all video games are bad. Which, considering the history of your statements, might actually be what you think.

God no. Arena is awful. Why would I ever want more arena in LE?

The fact that you say this actually shows you don’t. Because you have no idea what others have been through. So you still don’t have enough experience to realize that others might be more experienced than you. For example, someone might have been raised by a physically and emotionally abusive stepfather that beat up their mother, sisters and them. You have no idea.

Also, experience != wisdom/intelligence. Nuff said.

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Simply by this claim you invalidated your credibility. A person who actually has as much experience as you claim you have would never say something like that.

I am not sure if you can apply it to life experience instead of a competence, but I feel like this might be the Danning Kruger Effect in full effect.

With every single interaction with you you proved time and time again that you are always think you are superior in knowledge, understanding and experience. And that you don’t show the slightest sign of reflecting or learning.

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A true Scotsman is on a plane home or just arrived home from Germany :+1:


I don’t like to dogpile on people, but let’s just say that I already calculated how much time 70K hours of gaming is, and combined with what you say here, I’m going to doubt a bit. Also, I genuinely tried to watch your video, and I couldn’t get through it; there’s just some combination of the static screen, a constant face cam, and your vocal cadence that is just jarring to experience.

The forums, at least in this state, aren’t exactly a great way to gather feedback, as it’s filled with either first-time posters with their “here’s why I’m quitting the game and really, really need you to know I’m quitting the game,” or it’s the same 10 people talking in circles (yeah, I’m here too, but I also posted genuine feedback on the masteries I’ve spent all this time playing). There are simply not enough people to form a representative sample (and also, it’s fine that people play other games in the meantime, trying to force people to play constantly just to feel like they’re progressing is going to turn off a lot of people and evoke “Korean MMO” vibes).

Part of life experience includes knowing when you’re digging a hole and having the foresight to stop and try and work your way up, instead of digging even further.


I can’t take anything you say seriously anymore :confused:


Maybe you’re desensitized by all the sensationalist news media, but your video is the very definition of clickbait.
Which, as I said before, is fine. It’s how Youtube algorithm works where clickbait videos get more engagement. Just own it, though.


I just want to make sure we’re on the same page regarding what time and XP investment is needed to reach what milestones.

At 70, your build can be completed. You have enough passive points to get to any skill combo you need for it, the skill level cap is 20, highest it’ll be, and almost all uniques and items are equippable at that point. That requires just 5.2 million XP.

At 85, you can equip all items in the game other than some truly exceptional exalted items involving multiple T7s and a Sealed Affix. All unique and set items are available, and in almost all cases and for almost all builds, there are no items you can’t wear, skills you can’t use, or passives you can’t have already obtained. Though you have 98 of 113 total passive points, your character is pretty much 100% complete. This is at 28 million XP.

To get to 100, takes 332.5 million XP. No joke you can level up a half dozen characters to 85 and have fully complete builds in the time it would take to push 1 character to 100. The highest I’ve got is an 87, and given that each level is now 5 million + XP (that of a level 70 character), I’m not likely to get it too much further. It’ll probably hit 90 soon enough, but no way I hit 100.

And that’s fine. I’m perfectly ok with that. They could also cut the total XP to 100 in half, change how insanely high the XP per level scales up to past 85, and that would be fine too. The last 10 levels, as others have mentioned, literally don’t matter for the sake of completing a character. Apparently the devs want folks to still be earning XP until they have a lot of hours on a character. I get folks who want several level 100 characters being annoyed by that, I also get folks preferring to still have “progress” to make on a character more than 30 hours in. Both sides have valid points, as it’s just a matter of preference.

But to be clear, even if level 100 is quite the slog, it only takes no joke 1/10th of that XP to get to where a character is “finished”, has access to everything, and is only picking up a passive points’ worth of power every few hours of additional play.


There are different categories of click bait, some of which are more “morally acceptable” then others.

I don’t think @WeAreViledNation are the absolute worst, but also far from good.

There is a super cool video about this on a science channel called Veritasium

Just to be clear I agree with what you want to say with the entirety of your statement, but there is a factual mistake.

That is incorrect. End of level 75 or early Level 76 is when you reach Skill Level 20. This is also not the highest it can ever be, because skill level can be raised by Class Specific Affixes and other Items.
In extreme cases that means level 26+ skills.

Many skills have most of their build enabling skill nodes unlocked before 20 though and the rest usually are only thing for better damage, mana management, damage projection etc.

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I don’t think they’re the worst either. I personally don’t usually engage with clickbait videos, but I have no issue with most of them. My only issue is when someone clearly makes a clickbait video, even if it’s not the worst of them, and doesn’t admit it’s clickbait. Rather, it’s “telling the truth”.
Maybe he should change the name to “Firecracker”.

Agree …

Sidenote, in 600 hours of play, with all 25 available character slots full, I only have a single level 100. I often hit a wall around level 85 with builds, where they start to breakdown against empowered monos, and the time it takes to correct them for survival becomes a bit of a slog.

I got to 100 because I just loved the combat of Werebear that much :stuck_out_tongue:

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High five!
My one and only level 100 is also a bear.
The meta-ists might disagree, but bears are the best!

I only did that because I decided one day that I NEEDED a level 100 HC before the 1.0 launch. Took me two weeks.
Usually, I consider a character finished around level 80.


Bears, beats, battlestar galactica!


There’s a Dunning Kruger for that…

Like my in-laws…

Would true Scotsman have bought a ticket in the first place?

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Bear is a lot of fun. I’m currently playing a rampaging bear that shoots storm bolts and it’s a lot of fun. Although rampage is buggy as hell and keeps getting stuck on random stuff and the only way to unlock it (because it keeps doing the animation) is using another skill like maul. Hope they fix that.

Channeled movement skills, in general, are very buggy. Which is a shame, cause they’re usually the most fun.

I did a 100/98/97/92 in the first LE cycle and I played for about 3 weeks

the 100 grind is chill as there is no XP loss and if you want to focus just hunt XP tomes ontop of clearing fast and you gain nice XP

the real issue is the deadzone from around 85-100 where its just small increments of not much gain