I thought that node said it wasn’t stackable? If it is stackable then there won’t be a limit, it’ll just be how many you can get in the duration (like most ailments).
Armour shred is a flat -100 per stack, it’s only resist shred that was changed to %.
Yes. That post was not clear about how armour shred works.
If you have a look, I think you’ll find every single instance of armour shred refers to a flat -100 per stack, because armour is built up from a bunch of flat armour values then converted to a %. Whereas resists start off as percentages.
And negative armor exists… So, what would 30 stacks of armor shred, increased by armor shred effect (270%, -> 30x 370 = 11.1100 reduced armor) in terms of more damage mean in the end?