Tempest Strike Scaling

Hi, just looking for some clarification into how tempest strike scales, or more specifically how the thunder tempest proc scales. Tooltip says its an expanding storm of lightning bolts but when i look at lightning bolt on last epoch tools it doesnt have any skill sources so not sure how relevant the tags for that are.

Is the proc a hit ? is the proc a spell ?, does melee damage convert to added damage for it ? does only lightning and elemental damage scale it (tooltip tags are cold and physical but i presume these are for the other procs), does any melee damage carry over to the proc or is this just for the initial hits ?, does strength scale the initial hit and attunement scale the proc ? ( does both str and attun scale the inital hit and the proc ?)


It also doesn’t have anything in skill sources, but that is what is hitting and what scales it. Cold is for the tempest, lightning is for the bolts.

This is the one you are looking for
Its a Spell Lightning Hit
Melee Dmg does nothing for it
%Lightning %Ele %Spell works for it
Str and Att scale it because they scale the whole skill

That looks like the old Tempest Strike

afaik, old TS didn’t scale with attach speed, new TS does scale with attack speed.

Could be I’m just confused though.

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Ok, it’s me that is confused, it’s LETools that is confusing (maybe not their fault though)

This is, as PvtVlad said, light_tempest

This is Tempest Strike