Tempest strike issue

Tempest strike had nodes in its specialization that can case other spells such as maelstrom, avalanche, and tornado. Are these nodes supposed to make use any specialization effects if you are putting points in to that skill? I currently have the Ceaseless Typhoon node chosen and it doesnt seem to get any of the benefits of the points I have put into Tornado such as the 100% chance to double cast it. Seems like a missed opportunity for Tempest Strike if this isnt a bug.

Does Tornado not get anything? Or onyl some nodes?

The double chance no might onyl work when you directly cast it. Tornado is a pretty old skill maybe the skill node got not updated. I think a couple of patches ago there even were no possibilities to trigger tornado, so this might be an oversight.

If this is not an oversight and a bug this should be a Bug Reports

The Doublecast node (Hurricane) has an old description, indeed.

It says “When you use Tornado”, meaning when you actually press the button.
New tooltips tend to use the wording ‘directly cast’ instead.

I assume the Tornado still gets other benefits, you could test it fairly easy by speccing it to Fire, if you’re inclined to verify that.