Teleport Comet Rush node haste reset not working

Hi there !

I saw some forum threads closed one year ago about it, but it seems it’s still not working as intended.

I was trying various ways to get haste and when I tried linking that to Comet Rush… the current haste buff just ends, replaced by the small Comet Rush inherent one.

Just so you know :slight_smile:

This still isn’t fixed. I just picked up Comet Rush and the Haste from Advent of the Erased is still not allowing my Teleport’s cooldown to be reset when the Haste buff is up.

Focus’s Conveyance node also has an infuriating habit of causing the charge-up to fail completely after teleporting…but I guess that’s another issue for a separate topic. I’m sort of in awe of the fact that two of the Mage’s traversal skills have such serious bugs even after the 1.1 patch.

The Haste gained from Focus’s Energy Infusion node also doesn’t allow Comet Rush to trigger. This really seems to me as though the entire Haste->Reset Cooldown functionality is broken.

It also does not work with the “Boosted Kickoff” node, in the Frost Wall skill. It is a pity :pensive:

That doesn’t surprise me, unfortunately, as it turns out even the buff from the Haste shrine itself has no effect. When the Platonic ideal of a Haste buff doesn’t even allow the node to trigger its effect, I think we can safely say it’s totally broken.

I wanted to include a log file of a short time in-game which was expressly for the purpose of providing a (hopefully) easier way of tracking down the root cause of this bug.

Just for further clarification and the sake of completion, the issue I experienced was as follows: The Comet Rush node for Mage’s Teleport ability was not causing the cooldown of Teleport to be reset when I had the Haste buff from my character’s Advent of the Erased, or Focus’s “Energy Infusion” node.

Player.log (268.7 KB)