I do not know if yuo guys got this the first time I reported it and attached a zipped file with a screen shot in it that had a teleport issue and I drew an arrow pointing toward it. I posted this under the title of Teleporter or Teleport Bug.
I played the game yesterday and I not only got the same bug yet again, I got it twice. Now to make it perfectly clear, I did nto take the same shot twice on purpose in order to create this bug issue, I have two shots and I did them different enough to establish and show the fact that the problem did indeed happen twice.
Now I did not move from one side of the portal and then moved to the other for the fun of it for the second shot. I give you my word of honor on that and that is the reason why the images appear that way with my Primalist stood to the right of the portal and then on the left, was so that the same bug could be clearly seen and to make it so that I was not trying to trick yuo folks into thinking two of the same shot to be two incedents of the same bug.
The teleport for the first shot happened exac tly as it had done with when I reported this problem before and here is what happened. I had arrived at Lake Liath and just a few yards or so as I had my character reached when the inventory got full and please do not have a go at me on that one, I have my own way of playing this game. The point is the fact that I have enountererd the same teleport bug 3 times now. But I digress, in the previous report, like I said, my character had reached a couple of yards or so with the inventory getting full and so I used the teleport which took me to the town of Deep Haror, there I sold off my stuff and when I got back to the teleport I found it atop of a crate, I clicked on it and I could not teleport back to where I had come from, I tried going around to the other side of the crate. I still could not teleport back.
Now we come to the game that I played yesterday. I went pretty much near the same distance with my Primalist that I had done with my Mage, I had arrive at Lake Liath, went a couple of yards away, my inventory got full and when I teleported to the town of Deep Harbor and sold off my stuff. To my shock and dismay there was the very same bug yet again and this was using a different chracter this time around.
I had to use the exit in Deep Harbor that takes you to Lake Liath to get back, simply because I had not reached the way point there. Anway a 3rd way clearing the map and this time past the way point. my inventory gets full, so I teleport back to the town of Deep Harbor. I seell off my stuff and I go back to the telport and low and behold, it’s back in the very same spot as before. This is a serious issue guys, I know and respect you have done a lot of work already in bringing out season two of the game, but if and when possible, could you super please fix the bug issue.
Now the next teleport issue occured just way before the time I had gone past the way point, I had gone in a different direction from the starting off point of Lake Liath and completed the side quest there, I returned back to the main area of Lake Liath and my inventory got full up. I teleported to the town of Deep Harbor, sold my stuff off and on that occasion the teleport was completely inaccessable.
Lastly, sorry, I forget now where this is. My apologies, but hopefully someone will be able to track down the location just from the screen shot. My bad, I forgot to take note on this other bug. My deepest and sincerest apology about that one. If I ever should encounter it again. I will let you know. But I am hoping that the screenshot will help, there’s a chest that can’t be reached in anyway suspended in midair, as you will see. Please find enclosed the screenshots of the portal issues and the chest bug.
Sorry for the long explanation, I just wanted to be as clear and as prescice with the bug issues, as much as possible as well as clear about what happened as to also when and where they took place. Thank you for baring with me if you managed to get this far in this report.
New Compressed (zipped) Folder.zip (6.4 MB)