Target Farming Temporal Sanctum - wasting Eternity Cache - worth it?

Hey everyone,

Relatively new player here. I’ve been farming core gear and blessings so far. In terms of gear progression, I’ve got most of my core setup between exalted, set and unique items, but I’m nowhere near BIS. Now, there’s a Relic I kinda want to get my hands on: Vessel of Strife. I understand it’s a very rare drop from T4 Temporal Sanctum. I am unsure if I should try to target farm it because
A: I’m not even sure if I can farm T4 consistently yet
B: I don’t really have any unique items that I’d be making into legendaries as of right now, so I’d effectively be wasting the eternity caches

The latter is my bigger concern. I could just say “screw it” and go for it, but it sure feels bad to not have anything to put into the eternity cache at the end of each run. What do you think? Considering the low drop chance I expect to be burning through a lot of keys before I get Vessel of Strife, let alone one with LP.


At L100 keys aren’t that hard to come by. I have one stash where I keep 4 rows (48) Soul Bastion, 4 rows of Lightless Arbor, 1 Row of Arena Keys, and the rest of the rows are Temp Sanctum.

So target farming a specific unique, even if it is T4 Julra: If you can kill her 75% of the time, go for it. If not, keep grinding the other parts of the build until you can and save up the keys.

As Gwachowdrdu already pointed out, keys are generally not the limiting factor.

You will always have more keys than Item Combinations you can effectively make use out of.

Another thing I think about this and this is not exclusive to Dungeons, but to a lot of things in ARPG’s.
Why does everything always needs to be efficient/not wasting time and/or ressources.
I feel like that is a general sentiment across ARPG’s and similar games, which I don’t understand.

Especially a dungeon like Temporal Sanctum has multi things that its worth going for (Boss Drops, Exalted Drops and tthe Legendary Crafting iteself).
You don’t need to make full use out of everything with every run.

One more thing:

All of Julra’s Boss Drops always have a minimum of 1LP, that is a special feature of all her boss drops.

Just to add to this, not only are they always atleast 1 lp, they are very VERY rare with more then 1lp, everyone and there mom was farming julra for gloves and the number of gloves with 2lp is like single digits I think ive seen 2.

So basically you always get 1lp cups, but dont think you can get a 2lp cup with enough grinding :stuck_out_tongue: its more like winning the lottery.

Figured as much. I agree we tend to overthink efficiency at times. I think that’s just a side effect of having played a lot of ARPGs for decades now and knowing how grindy they can be, so people tend to try and optimize their time spent grinding.

Great input about the LP in Temporal Sanctum, that was news to me. Thank you guys.

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Well I can only speak for myself as an older player. You basically get less and less time to play video games as you get older. Since time is more precious, anything that wastes it, such as nonsense like having to spend time relevelling unspecced skills, leaves an incredibly bad taste.

Probably better just waiting for trade and buying.

Remember with the weird trade model they are adding, you just need ONE char who is aligned with the “trading guild” (or whatever it will be called) faction, who can then do ALL the trading for your entire roster of characters. All your other chars can then be aligned to the “better drop rates” faction.

I understand that you don’t want to spend time doing “nonsense”.
But the difference between just regularly playing some of the content and “maximizing efficiency” is not that big for a lot of cases, but people still feel like they need to watch guides and ask people how to do it the most efficient way.
Calling regularly playing the game and learning its ropes on your own “nonsense” is beyond me.
Rather spending significant amounts of time wawtching/reading guides, than playing the game sounds a lot of fun :thinking:

That is kinda what I don’t understand.

So you rather want to play a empty husk, that is just some mere clicks in your UI, rather than a character that you grow with?

I guess this is a topic for a whole other discussing, I don’t wanna dive to deep into it and derail this thread.

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Agree with this. Another factor for me personally though, is that I like to learn as much about a game as possible. It’s part of the fun for me, especially in ARPGs, to accumulate knowledge about the game. It’s kind of a “know the rules so you can break the rules” type of thing. That includes the meta. I like to approach new games on my own and feel them out for myself at first, and then as I settle in the endgame loop, read up on all the ins and outs and the meta so I can better decide for myself on how I want to play going forward. Just blindly following a (build) guide right from the start tends to take out all the excitement for me and ends up being pretty boring indeed.

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Eradicating all the time-wasting from levelling a char will in no way diminish my attachment to it as it grows. In fact the opposite will result, since it would maximize the “happy” time I spend with that character and minimize the “tedium” time.

I just did a couple tries on T4 and I literally cannot take a hit during the boss fight. So unless I play absolutely perfectly, which I doubt will ever happen, there’s no way I will be able to farm Vessel of Strife at my current state. Real bummer, because that items is kind of the next step towards more tankiness in my build. I’m not sure how I’m going to improve my survivability enough so I can farm that bad boy. Yikes. What a “git gud” moment I’m having right now :smiley:

What abilities are you having issues with specifically?

I do have a guide on how to deal with Julra, in case you are interested in that.

Dungeon bosses are very mechnical and can be done without getting hit once. (Except the Void puddles, which you shoudl survive 1 or 2 ticks).
This is not a “git gud” form me, just a “try praticing more”. You can pratice the boss on T1 or T2 without doing any damage, just play the mechanics perfectly.

I actually just watched that video earlier, good job btw. It’s absolutely a “git gud” fight for me, as I’m dying due to getting hit by stuff that probably shouldn’t hit me, so don’t worry about calling me out for it :smiley:
Now, that being said, I’m not used to doing “no hit runs” in ARPGs, I’ll be honest. And I’m not sure if I love the idea of a boss being THAT punishing, but then again, I probably only say that because Julra is currently gatekeeping an important item from me and I’m salty.
In my few attempts so far I’ve learned I can barely take one tick of the puddle, which is fine. I seem to be able to survive the cold attack, but anything else oneshots me. So, I would probably try to get to a point with the build that allows for a mistake or two, but I’m not sure if that’s even possible. I’m relying almost only on ward, but generating sufficient ward with that much dps downtime seems quite hard (playing a shatter strike SB). I currently don’t see a huge leap in survivability for my build on the horizon, except for the vessel of strife itself. So I guess my only option is to suffer through and learn the fight until it becomes doable.

I don’t know your builds specifics, but I would be very surprised if there is nothing else that would help you with survivability.

You could also think about swapping out some items just for this boss fight.
Julra does only do Void, Cold and Lightning Damage. So you could swap out some items that give you other types of resistances that are not useful for the fight to get more eHP, like Armour, HP etc.

Not familar with Shatter Strike Spellblade, but I can see that builds that rely on attacking for their survivability having issues with this boss.

But yeah generally speaking (there are always exceptions) none of the Dungeon Bosses or even some of the empowered monolith bosses have uniques gated behind that that are absolutely necessary.

So when you play a build that plans around using some of these there is very likely some alternative.

If you don’t mind, you could share a build planner of your character and maybe someone will spot some things that could help you getting mroe durable for this fight.
Even if you lose damage, that doesn’t really matter, because the boss doesn’t have any enrage mechanic. The Void puddles do last a lot longer on T4, but they do expire so just placing them properly is the only thing that you need to do somewhat decent with low dps.

Oh absolutely there is tons of room for improvement on my gear no doubt, I just expect upgrades to be very incremental and coming in slowly from this point onward. So I’m having a hard time seeing an immediate change that would make the fight a lot easier, but then again my game knowledge is still very limited.

Here’s my current setup:

Your gear looks pretty decent.

I am probably the wrong person to give advice on such a build, because I never played it myself.

Couple of things I notice though:
You have some flat armour affixes, but not % armour.

Getting % armour on Body or Boots instead of Health or Flat Armour should give you quite a lot more armour.
You coudl also combine this with getting a few points in Flame Ward’s Frostguard for 200 Armour/point.

There also is a mage Prefix, that gives +1 Charge for Flame Ward, this is incredibly useful if you can seal this on T1.
With one mroe charge you might have mroe room for errors, if you do happen to stand in some telegraph just pop Flame Ward.

Also specifically for Julra you could try and get a wel lrolled Oracle Amulet, with up to -20% damage over time taken. You don’t really need the resistances from your Amulet anyway.

And generally all your resistances are very high.

Overcapping this much does only help with Resistance Shred and Mark for Death.
So it can help for regular MoF, but for bosses its pretty useless for the most part.

You could get a lot more stat budget our of your suffixes if properly distributed.

But maybe someone with more expertise for this kind of build could chime in, not sure who coul help with that.

I’ve been on the lookout for a +1 Charge for Flame Ward body armor, but my crafts have failed miserably so far. Seems really hard to come by alongside the other desired stats.

As for the overcapped resistences, I’ve been trying to reduce those but again, not easy to craft items that replace a slot while maintaining a well rounded stat distribution.

I’m still <100h so I still have a lot of grinding to do if I want to improve my stats. I think the biggest bottle neck might be the out of combat ward in this particular boss fight, because there’s so much dps downtime. As long as I can attack constantly and maintain a couple thousand ward I’m fine, but downtime can be lethal for my build.

I’ll look into getting % armor, that was indeed an oversight on my behalf and I didn’t really think about that, thanks.

Oh and btw, glyphs of despair seem really hard to come by aswell, also a limiting factor for me currently.

Yes they are, but they are endgame crafting and pretty strong.

One more tip, if you gonna use Glyph of Despairs, try putting 3 other affixes on the item first.
This increases teh chance of Glyph of Despair sealing an affix.
So for example if you find a Body Armour with 2 desired affixes and 2 open affixes, try crafting 1 more desired affix on it, then the +1 charge to flame ward and then try sealing it.

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