Taking full advantage of Shattered Immunity

Making hay while the sun shines… before the inevitable nerf.

The plan is to get as many minions as possible, give them as much poison chance as possible, never mind the damage, the point is to stack poison as fast and high as possible for Shattered immunity.

Serpents milk, makes for many weak poison stacks from minions, combined with Plague Dragons tongue and bee keepers gloves for more Locusts and bees.

So far its working very well, but defenses are weak.

Would love any suggestions.

They’ve already announced that the bug will be fixed though?

Well there are two aspects.

The bug which combines the full health bonus and the regular bonus. So instead of getting 6% per stack against high health you got 9%.

Then there is the broken part which unlimited stacks. With all my minions, I can, in a few seconds, stack over 600 poison on the dummy… for an 1800% serpent strike bonus. This is not a bug, it is how the node is written. This will likely be fixed next season IMO.

I gotcha. You’re banking on the stacking, not the bug. Makes sense!

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