Switching Skill Slots in Werebear form

did not get any answer to that ingame yesterday:

When in werebear, I have four skills. Yet I can not change the button mapping for those.
The werebear dash skill is located on W, yet in all my chars I have my dash on Q and I can not figure out how to change the skill as I can only remove werebear skills from buttons, but not add them to them.

Is this a bug or am I the only person who would like to change the button layout in werebear form?


Agree it would be nice to be able to move the skills around, but (you probably alredy know this, and thats what you want to avoid) you can go in Settings ->Change input keys ->Use ability 2 -> Click on W and replace it with Q.

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Yeah, it functions as a workaround, it just feels silly that I need to change my settings and then rearrange my skills around another skill the game does not want me to switch places.

It is a minor thing, but should be something to be fixed along development.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

I just tried out werebear for the first time, and also am dissapointed by the lack of ability re-arrange the werebear skills.

I bounce around between characters, so frequently changing the input keybindings wouldnā€™t be a reasonable solution for me.

Itā€™s a small thing, but I too very much look forward to this being remedied.

I always put movement skill on a key Q, would be nice if I could do my set up with the transforms

Planing to play some bear but this thread actually hold me back.

Iā€™m too used to Q or 1, aka the 1st button, for any movement skill, in any game.

Switching skill around should be allowed.

Iā€™d love for this on both Bear and Spriggan. I was a bit annoyed when I built my healing totems to work off of the thorn totem tree, and then couldnā€™t rebind the button for them.

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Yeah, this reminds me of trying to change skill assignments for an Archon Wizard in D3. Itā€™s frustrating and to my knowledge you cannot do it.

EDIT: So I changed my keys (You have an option for 2 sets of keys which is GREAT) and now itā€™s better than ever. All my chars will actually play better than they did before. I moved the potion to F1, Charge to 1, Attacks on 2 and 3, and the Buff on 4. Feels amazing to play :smiley: Probably the best. Will definitely take this char to min-max now.

People will be heavily disappointed if it stays like this upon release.

I also use Q or 1 for charge, but in this game I am using E for teleport on my mage, and am used to it.

Now as I tried the bear the charge is on W. The keys are really all over the place. 2 attacks WAY opposite of each other instead of being close together. Makes it really wishy-washy. By default the keys shouldnā€™t be all over the place like this. Extremely unorganized. No one in any game or MMO will put attack keys on the opposite ends and put charge and buff in the middle. Everyone puts the attack keys together so they can quick cast during the fight. But I understand, people are using auto casts to get over this as I just saw a bear video guide telling me to do that but I donā€™t like it this way. I rather click myself and feel immersed in the action of an ā€œaction rpgā€ game.

I will try the keybinding method and see if that makes it better. Otherwise I will have to trash this character as I cannot even change the mastery at this point.

EDIT: So I changed my keys (You have an option for 2 sets of keys which is GREAT) and now itā€™s better than ever. All my chars will actually play better than they did before. I moved the potion to F1, Charge to 1, Attacks on 2 and 3, and the Buff on 4. Feels amazing to play :smiley: Probably the best. Will definitely take this char to min-max now.

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