Most players that have been here for at least 2 patches have realized that EHG always saves at least 1 thing to as a surprise to drop in patches (last patch was idols!, which was a massive game changer)
My guess for this patch is 1 new endgame system (eternity’s cache)
Whats your guess for this patch?
Based on the Early Access Development Forecast, Epoch’s Call is not supposed to come until phase 4. If its an endgame mode, I would say Eternity Cache since that is slated for phase 2.
I would really love some new endgame activities.
While they have announced that there are UI changes, I think the surprise (if any) will be something they have done with the UI. One of the devs said that was their favorite changes coming in 0.7.7.
I’m hoping for this feature as well, since I play single player in all arpgs and with kids at home the need to pause at any moment is important.
My logical guess is Eternity’s Cache, but I’m also hoping for some skill trees missing from current skills. If I only received the performance optimization though, I would still be happy.
I play some times at job
and than someone come to my cabinet
I’m a little be shocked ))) and ALT+TAB click click click
and game is go on
and sound is go on
I hope that soon in game will be ALT+TAB mode
and than I switch game to desktop where are no sounds and not videocard 100% use
can’t live w/o this
Sarno just PM’d me to say that he is infact pregnant, he was just waiting for the National Enquirer to send a “reporter” round to document it… #WouldILieToYou#YouCanTrustMeI’mAnAccountant