Surge getting me stuck on destroyed environmental objects in boss rooms

Hey guys,
have a look at this short clip, pretty self-explanatory:

What happened here is:
I surged onto a spot that had a former destroyable object (those piles of flesh)
once arrived, i am not able to move from it, neither with surge nor with a movement input. (didnt try teleport, forgot to try)
This happened to me before on the 3 dragons with their eggs miniboss, got stuck on destroyed eggs there with Surge

I’d imagine this to be known already, but better be sure to report :slight_smile:

I have the same issue with Surge in both of these areas. Teleport doesn’t cast, much like Surge, but I can still use other skills while stuck.

Yea it feels like there was an invisible wall around you blocking any Line of Sight

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