Summon Skeletons CRASH

I’m level 2 all settings set to very low and whenever I summon a skeleton even just 1 my game immediately crashes.

Could you upload your logs please.

Player-prev.log (12.9 KB) Player.log (10.2 KB)

Strange-- your logs don’t mention anything about a crash. The log file is overwritten when you restart the game, did you definitely have a crash during the time that those log files were active?

So ive think what happened was that crash was actually my graphics card not being able to handle it because i noticed after this that when i summon a skeleton it brings up a notification from catalyst control center saying my gpu crashed then once the game closes it comes back. Ive since got a new gpu and now it runs fine.

Out of curiosity, what was your previous gfx card?

Radeon 580, it was like 12 years old

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