Suggestions in General

Some friends and I have been playing for like a month and here are some suggestions we came up with…

  1. Set items need to show all the pieces to the set
  2. Items need a level - not sure if there is a clearer way to show what gear is going to be better for your build. This may not be it, but items that shouldn’t up current dps, actually do. (i.e. paladin shield throw is better with a 2h staff from poison, plague, blind?) There is nothing that indicates that would happen with current setup.
  3. Gold/Loot pickup mechanism - yes, your inv would fill up fast, but if that is what you want, that is what you want. Perhaps base it on loot filter?
  4. Inventory sort algorithm needs adjusting(leave two rows where possible)
  5. Add a “Sell all” button to inventory when vendor is open
  6. About 97% less Necro gear drops…GOOD GAWD!!! We have each played about 3 or 4 char, and we have gear enough for about 30 necros each!!!
  7. Character transfer from Beta to MP/Live game - I really hope you reconsider letting us keep the progress we have made in the beta. Lots of hours. You may lose player base if the intent is to just wipe that all out. If it absolutely has to happen, there should be some HUGE, and I mean HUGE perks for participating in the beta to help you get close to where you were.
  8. After OPEN PORTAL button comes up, pickup range should be unlimited - the placement of loot on the ground, or at least the text, sometimes doesn’t indicate WHERE exactly the gear is actually sitting on the ground. I click on text that is right next to each other and my character runs to the other side of the screen. Increase the loot range will allow us to quickly pickup loot without our char having to run over to it.
  9. Wardrobe - skills, gear, pts, with dedicated storage slots independent of regular inventory - I can see, and the fact that you have a class filter on the character screen suggests that there will be a lot of characters, most likely to play all the different advanced classes in the game. With that comes different builds. Give us the ability to define, save, recall the builds we have for these advanced classes, as well as store the gear we want to use for those builds, so it does not get lost in our regular inventory.
  10. Pickup hot key - or auto pickup gear based on your loot filter - if autoloot can’t be done, then this. Nuff said.
  11. Closing the forge puts your weapon back on your char. I can’t tell you how many times we have closed the forge, gone into a mono and picked up the first weapon that dropped and started fighting with it. “How did my mage get a 2h sword” kind of thing quickly follows. LOL A confirmation might be enough here when you go to close the forge and there is still a weapon in it.
  12. Remove specific affix on items - can there be some type of legendary rune that will allow you to pick an affix to remove off an item? If not, there should be. Epic quest or something.
  13. What gear is better than other gear? How do you tell? Sure you have the stats being added / taken away, but DPS both from hover over skills and base DPS from character screen is unexplained. See #2 above.
  14. Confirmation on skill tree ensuring you want to put the points where you did, especially if there is a time penalty to get them back, albeit enhanced.
  15. Increase rate of Bow drops - i have one char almost 100, two others in the 60s, and a few other lowbies. I have seen 3, yes 3 bows worth keeping. This is not good. You need to hire Legolas immediately! :slight_smile:
  16. Increase gold pickup radius - if there is no reason to limit it, then there should be an auto loot pickup. Monotonous tasks are what kill games like this, or at the very least cause a lot more frustration.

Anyway, that is our list as of now. Love what you guys have built here. Great job so far. We know you will continue to improve the game and we look forward to playing whatever it is you all decide to put in the game.


There is NO WAY they will transfer beta players to MP, main reason is because character data now is stored in your PC and thus it can be modified. Huge perks for participating in the beta sounds good tho :smiley: (but only cosmetic)

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Hey there,

some general thoughts on some of your points:

Not a fan of that, but if that would make it’s way into the game it should have some sort of hotkey, so you don’t accidentally spoil yourself.

Not sure.
I don’t like giving individual items any from of “score” how “good” they are. That’s up to the player to decide.

Not sure what the specific example is about that you gave with your Shield Throw and Staff.
Maybe there were some strong ailment stuff on it, which increased your tooltip dps, since ailments are calculated within the tooltip dps.

There are multiple discussiosn on this already.
Here is my favorite one:

And here is one very recent and hot one:

Not sure what you mean, do you mean acolyte specific drops? or minions drops?

As a minion player you could probably complain about too many melee drops… it’s just rng, but the overall diversity of items that drop are very good IMO.

There will be no wipe, we all only need to start fresh, once Multiplayer/Online play is implemented.

Your current characters will stay playable as offline characters.

The disparity between item labels and where the item is laying on the floor is a known issue ,i think the devs are aware of this.

There are dozens and dozens of threads discussion respeccing in this game.
It is already way easier than before, but there are quite a few people that also don’t want something like this.

I am not a fan of 1-click respec everything.

See above, the other 2 threads i linked

Crafting will receive more and more update in the future, i don’t know if we will get deterministic removing, but the crafting system in LE is already so powerful and easy, something like this needs to be super uber ultra rare, otherwise perfect items are waaaay to easy to craft.

The current tooltip dps is already incredibly good, i am sure they will improve that feature in conjunction with a character sheet overhaul.

What Class did you play or dropped the bows on?
There is some kind of biased loot for certain things (like bows, catalysts etc.)

Wait is the whole Beta going to be offline? Or if it’s not, then shouldn’t we able to keep the characters that we made when the MP is online? I mean, if the main reason was because our data is being kept in our PC, so when the MP is up shouldn’t the data also be kept there and make the new character available for transfer to the live server when the game is fully release?

Because if they aren’t going to change it. I just lost reason to progress after in Beta now, why would i waste my time playing the game now when the whole Beta experience will be completely wipe, even if/when the MP is up before the full release.

Now i’m confused, which one of you is giving the real info here? Is there going to be a wipe or not? Or are they just going to move Beta character into offline. Is there going to be offline mode? Or is it going to be the same as solo self find.

We will get Multiplayer/Online before 1.0 release.

Once that is implemented in the beta we need to start fresh with characters that are stored on EHG’s servers, if we want to particiapte in the server authenticated enviroment.

Everything you currently do will remain as offline characters. And even after Multiplayer/Online release you will still be able to play and create offline characters.

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Okay thx for clearing that up. Jeez, i thought they are going to wiped it.

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Other games are letting you keep your beta chars as well since so many are essentially releasing in beta. Outriders comes to mind.

And EHG does not even try to “soft-release” with the whole beta thing, they really use the beta to test stuff out and make this the best possible game.

We already witnessed quite a few drastic changes within the beta (like defense overhaul).

If people not wanting to lose any progress but want to play online with friends, they better wait for that feature, there is nothing wrong with waiting until it’s implemented.


Well, if they are keeping 2 separate mode, I see no reason for them to wipe it. I mean and CMIIW, outrider is always online game right? There is no 2 separate mode where you can’t crossover from offline to online or vice versa right? So i guess it make sense for them? idk. But, if LE will have 2 separate mode, they can always move our Beta Characters into offline/solo mode, otherwise they are going to make a wrong move by just wiping them, IMO.


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I never said there will be a wipe. I said there is no way they will transfer beta characters to live-MP servers. The “online” at the moment is just for ladder, etc. but our chars are stored in our PCs.

So I am sure there is some validation they can do to import these characters. Nothing is impossible. Ruling it out because of what could potentially happen is a cop out imo.

You can modify your char data so it is actually impossible to control. There were many cheaters appearing on arena ranking for example, so even arena ladder is not very trustworthy.

Lots of things are impossible.

As it currently stands, without deleting everyone’s characters (literally all of them), and then implementing a way that detects 100% of people who are modifying their characters/gear/etc offline, before allowing newly created (and played) characters to be imported into the multiplayer environment when it goes live, then yes it is impossible.

The perk is that you get to help the developers create a game that you are passionate about. Alpha and Beta phases are not about character progression in my opinion. Going into a Beta there is clear communication that it is full of bugs and lots of things are still changing. The goal for us the player, is to push the limits of what we are given, and then give feedback on it so the devs can make adjustments.

To people that want to play a Beta as if it were a finished game, these “adjustments” are seen as nerfs and a detriment to the future of the game. When really the game is still being made. We have just been allowed to peak behind the curtain and tinker with things.


Two things:

  1. Don’t assume that everyone is treating it as a finished game just because they aren’t happy with a feature. This is a straw-man and I can easily it triggering hostile arguments. I think we would all rather avoid that.
  2. The point of being able to provide feedback (and allowed into Alpha/Beta) is to help the devs negotiate between their design ideas and what players actually want. It’s not just a demo mode.

Oh, it’s you with the straw man stuff again. Lol I feel like I’m back in college philosophy where everybody just learned what that meant and attach it to everything.

Strawman - an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.

  • a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.

None of this applies to what I said. There is no intentional misrepresentation, and I’m not a person having no substance or integrity.

I’m not assuming everyone is treating it this way. I directed it exclusively to those who do. And I never once said it’s not ok to give feedback. But what is the point of taking things to the extreme and demanding things?

You just defeated your own objection, so I’ll leave it at that.

Please do. I get the feeling after your many posts and tireless efforts, that you just enjoy stirring the hornets nest instead of reaching any meaningful conclusions.

You’re the one being hostile and making accusations. I just pointed out a problem with the way you were grouping and characterizing a bunch of people.