Suggestions for improving the bazaar interface

One of the reasons that made me buy LE was the addition of an action house in the game. This format is one of the game’s advantages over other games of the genre, however, my experience with the merchant NPC interface has been frustrating.

In this topic, I point out the possible flaws that compromise the user experience, with some possible solutions that would improve the quality of life.

1.Bazaar Interface unification

I understand the work of developers and designers in creating multiple NPCs with one item type each. It really is, visually speaking, a high level of attention and care. But for farmers, time is precious, so walking back and forth to check prices is simply a tiring and monotonous experience. As I believe there won’t be anything like the POE hideout, I think it would help a lot if when I entered any merchant NPC interface, I could choose the type of item I want to search for. One button to choose between all types of categorized items. One-handed swords, two-handed swords, armor… etc. (Examples in the images at the end of this topic)

2.More detailed search

One of the biggest difficulties in finding a specific item in the bazaar is the lack of a more detailed affix search engine. One idea would be to implement up to 4 different affixes individually in the search so that I can choose your tier independently and your max and min rolls. Today, I can only mark affixes and the tier choice is unique for all mods. If I want a boot with movement speed T7, Vitality T6, and two more resistances t5, I will have to search with the minimum tier 5. The search becomes broader and more general.
Along with this option, there could be a specific tab for affixes present on a single item. The button would have a list of all available mods for the type of item you are looking for.

3.Semi-automatic item base finder

Imagine the following situation. I just farmed helmets and filled my inventory with different types of bases, from different classes. It would take a reasonable amount of time for me to research all these helmets so I can price them. Something that would help a lot would be a shortcut to ‘‘copy’’ the characteristics of a certain item, so that I can ‘‘paste’’ and use it when searching in the bazaar. The main characteristics of the item would be: Level for use, Class, Rarity and type of item. Affixes would be placed manually to avoid search conflicts. New searches with this feature would automatically ‘‘clear’’ the previous search. This would speed up the current slow price check process.

4.‘‘Continue last search’’ option

In the current model, if I detail my search (which usually takes a long time) and accidentally close the search tab, I will have to redo the entire search. I think implementing an optional ‘‘continue last search’’ feature could help in this regard. Such a feature would be available within the search interface with an on/off button.

There are several other ideas that could be mentioned, but I think these would already have a massive impact on the user experience. The economy would be less random and more precise in pricing. The gold rush would be more enjoyable. I hope that something similar will be considered for the next cycles or updates with a priority nature.
Below is a link with images of a possible interface and its main modifications.


This suggestion is incredible. Action house functionality would improve 30000%

That would be amazing!