Suggestions about Guilds

Hello everyone!

This is something that popped up in General chat today where I had a few ideas about “Guilds” and was asked to make a post about it.

I mentioned the idea about having a “Guild Stash” where the members could add items. To counter new players joining the guild to just trade items and then leave again, completely ignoring the Resonance mechanic, you could have some sort of “Favor locked bonuses” within the guild. What I mean with this is that the players have to both STAY and CONTRIBUTE to the guild, to access certain benefits. The Resonance mechanic will still be a thing as a “safety”. Meaning if you don’t want to risk an item by putting it in the Guild Stash and have someone else take it, you just trade as normal through Resonances.

The Guild could also have certain benefits that can be unlocked by contributing to the guild. Having a guild could potentionally increase the amount if time you spend playing with other players, endorsing more coop gameplay. Since as of now I don’t think players are playing that much with randoms. This is however just a guess and from my own experience.

I just wanted to share my ideas with you all. Good luck and see you in-game!

Guilds are something that EHG wants to add, but they would like it to be more than a “glorified chat and stash”. Mike has said that if they don’t come up with something new they might just do that anyway. Most players would prefer they do that and later come up with something, but that’s how it stands as of now. Either way it’s on their radars.

As for the stash itself, I’m pretty sure that when they do implement it they’ll add some restrictions to it. Otherwise an RMTer can just create a clan and freely sell stuff that way.
Maybe you can only use the guild stash after 12h or something.

That wouldn’t have any effect, people would just wait X hours then be able to “trade”. The only thing I could think of would be to have the stash function like the AH, so only MG aligned characters could use it with the usual favour/rank requirements. Though that would annoy CoF-aligned players as they’ll likely have the reasonable assumption that they’d be able to use the guild stash as well.

Maybe they’ll make a Clan faction and one of the ranks will be the ability to use the stash. And when you join a new one, you have to grind it again.

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Yes. This was my idea aswell. “…both STAY and CONTRIBUTE to the guild, to access certain benefits.” The Guild will have ranks. Certain ranks unlocks certain benefits. To gain these ranks you’ll have to earn “favor” with the guild. The guild itself may then have a contribution bar of some sorts, like an XP bar, which after certain thresholds unlocks certain benefits for the guild as a whole. Could even be things like increasing the max members or something.

I made a post about Guilds in the past but with the addition of CoF and MG there needs to be something added to Guilds as well.

First of all people like guildes because they are a seperate chat and stash tab and there is basicly nothing wrong about it. In most Guild based games all I see in chat are whispers and the guild chat because i don’t ccare about anythign else. On top of it helping people out you play with is a nice thing to do because it streghtens the connection and the party play aspect and that’s what I seek in a guild.

First of all I would love if guilds would have some kind of skilltree that people can increase while playing alongside other people from the guild. Said skilltree could contain stuff like Guild stash space, guild member increases and other stuff connected to guilds.
On top of thet guild members should accumulate some kind of “guild resonance” that they can spend on the guilds skilltree to increase the guilds rank or to get the needed ressonance points to trade in items from the guild stash after they accumulated enough “guild ressonance” (like playing 24h alongside guildmembers or farm X ammount of resonance while playing with other guild members) to increase the guilds skilltree points (if there is nothing more to increase the buget still rises so new players in the guild have a chance to trade with other guild members) they can finaly put stuff into the guilds chest and remove items from the guilds chest.

To be honest guilds are nothing else then extended friend lists so trating them with a resonence system would be a good thing to do from my point of view.

On top of this it would be nice to have some kind of guild spaces at the end of time. Some options for housing at one of the floating debries behind the end of time to buiild a headquarter on. For starters some premade housing with a trader, a forge and whatnot. Later on if there is time there could be a housing system implemented where you are able to build stuff with items guild members farmed on their quest to glory.

The most important part is most likely that guild offer no gameplay benefits like %exp gain or faster movespeed or whatever because all the solo players would cry EHG a river if people who organise themselfs have an advantage over a solo player. So I would inject as many as possible fluff into it that stays ingame each season so guilds can be improved over time and the guild housing can be adjusted over time… or you can buy MTX for it from the shop for example :wink: .

I think the guild system should be some kind of extended social feature people can work on togheter without having a glaring advantage over people who don’t want to socialise at all no matter how much you screw guilds with that mindset. Balance is important.

So in short it would be nice if there were some progression goals for guilds to work towards to without any real ingame benefit other then being able to socialise and have some in guild trade system with a lot of restrictions like you can’t use a guild traded item anymore if you leave the guild and a system that let kind of average jow player trade 5 items a season while it becomes more and more expensive to trade so nolifers don’t trade hundrets of items.

That’s how FFXIV handles it. You can assign ranks to your members and assign different accessiblities to the ranks. So the default “member” could have no access to the stash or anything, then the leader or officer in the guild can promote them to a rank that does have access.

Throw in the ability of “you can only access specific stash tabs based on ranks” and you don’t really need to worry about people just taking stuff

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I just want a roster, a chat room, some permissions/ranks/etc.
I don’t want shared stash space or gold. I had enough of that in Dark Age of Camelot :stuck_out_tongue:

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