Suggestion: Slow Down the Echo Rush

Hey everyone,

I’ve been observing how most of us tackle Echoes—rushing straight to the objective and then quickly exiting. This approach often skips over much of the immersive and detailed environment the game developers have crafted for us.

To address this, I propose introducing a small tweak that could enrich our gameplay experience: incorporating a captcha challenge at each loading screen. The intention behind this suggestion is not to fundamentally alter how we play but to subtly decelerate the rush, adding a thoughtful pause in our sessions.

The captchas would be simple enough to not disrupt gameplay significantly but would require enough attention to ensure players are actively engaged. This could potentially enhance security by confirming player presence and deter any automated behaviors.

What are your thoughts on this? Would a captcha system help make gameplay more engaging? I’m looking forward to hearing your views on whether this could enhance our experience.

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