Suggestion for new Rune

I don’t have a lot of experience into the endgame, but I’m familiar enough with crafting to make this suggestion:

Make a rune that removes all affixes from an item.

It will be useful in many ways. For example, when you want an item with a specific implicit, it will be easier to craft it if it has irrelevant mods, or when you use a rune of removal and hit a mod you wanted on the item, instead of rendering the item useless, you can give it a second chance by removing all mods and adding new mods with the relevant rune (can’t remember its name). And sometimes, you just want to remove many mods from an item, but with rune of removal it costs too much Forging Potential.

I believe it will give new breath to crafting.

Not sure how this would work considering the difficulty of crafting any item of a low combined Tier into anything useful for mid to end game… i.e. target T15 ish…

By removing all affixes from an item, you are effectively starting a craft on a T0 item - something that is most definitely not recommended unless you only want to create a low tier temporary item. Even if you were very lucky with FP & critical rolls its unlikely that starting with such a low base would get you more than a T12 item (or there abouts)… Much better to start with a drop that has relevant affixes already and just Chaos the ones you dont like…

An alternative to your suggestion which may work is a Rune of Removal that was not random.

There already was a Rune like that, prior to the crafting overhaul: Rune Of Cleansing.

This was Changed to Rune Of Discovery, because this functionality does not make any sense anymore.

If you want a particular base with very few affixes you can directly highlight/show these with your loot filter.


Or gamble it. You end up with the right base, with the base stats you want and enough trash stats so you can’t see a difference from a T0 craft to the chunk you got for gambling. At least you get rid of the gold ^^.

This seems unnecessary and bad for crafting. You don’t ever want to start with a white item, you’ll never have enough potential to craft it well. It’s always better to start with mods already on it, and there is plentiful loot in the game to get the drop you need to start crafting. There are currently 3 ways to deal with an unwanted affix: Glyph of Chaos, Glyph of Despair, and Rune of Removal. Doing it the way you are suggesting would actually be a bad way to craft.

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