Can you guys please add a feature (can be optional setting))
Which puts a red circle outlining Dangerous Mob floor/ground effects so we can see it THROUGH our own abilities… I play a Fire Sorc and i light up the ground constantly which hides enemie ground effects, which means i cannot avoid them and get 1 shot… Seems like a legit feature that would help us all.
Thanks in Advance!
Edit* - to Clarify I am speaking about the warning circles that appear BEFORE enemy ground effects happen… not necessarily the ground effects themselves, but that would be a plus… (basically a red outline of the warning areas that show THROUGH our own abilities…
Its much worse in a Party… solo its really bad to see hit circles beneath my own ground effects, but in a Party with 2 of us (and im sure way worse with much more members) the whole screen is lit up.
All i say is it would greatly help the player base to avoid damage that was MEANT to be avoided (thats why there is a hit circle to begin with) if they just outline these hit circles in a RED outline that shows Through our own abilities so we can avoid them, instead of having to STOP attacking just so we can see the ground effects from enemies.
If this would help you out be sure to Vote it… in this thread, maybe they can begin work on it after the more important stability issues