Suggestion: Changing the type of reward "Unique or Set of Body Armor" in the monolith "Blood Frost and Death"

Is it possible to remove set items from this reward? There are important reasons for this:

  1. There are separate nodes for set rewards
  2. When you reach level 9 in the guild, searching for set items becomes unnecessary altogether
  3. Let’s be completely honest with ourselves - almost no one needs set rewards due to their rare suitability for end-game and the fact that they take up a slot in the reward turns the search for rare items into a very long and annoying process
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Yes please change this. Three straight ‘Unique or set Body Armor’ has dropped Last Bear’s Scorn. It’s ridiculous.

Regarding point number 3, sets are getting buffed in version 1.1.

About point 2, MG people use those nodes too. Which given point 3 isn’t really a draw atm, but may be in the future.

And about point 1, there are also separate nodes for unique rewards.

But really, I think this will generally become a non-issue if they do fix sets well.