I really like that there are no timed events in this game, nothing forcing us to go, go, go, go, go all the time. So I want to preface this by saying I’m only thinking about this as a special event idea, not something to be part of the core game. Maybe an arena, or maybe only during certain cycles.
Also, since this game is about time travel, there’s really no reason our character should ever feel pressed for time. But that said, it stands to reason that they could also take some time off for fun/leisure/pleasure. There’s nothing so truly pressing that they couldn’t just travel back in time to deal with it.
So … on to the idea.
I was running echoes tonight and enjoying Haste when I thought about how fun it could be to have a map where every shrine grants Haste. Then I remembered the arcade games of the 90s where you were doing a timed trial, but in order to complete the map you had to hit certain spots that would give you enough of a speed boost to get you to the next boost.
It could be fun to have something similar here. Maybe nothing really rewarding, gold, runes, glyphs, or something like that. Just something fun to do when you’re tired of doing other stuff.