Suggested Spire Rework

Spires are probably one of the most lethal mechanics in monoliths, especially the DoT spires (DoT damage mitigation is something I won’t bring up much here). Spires are constantly shooting mortars on top of your head even when just starting to move or even pick up loot. Especially when CoF has a big prophecy drop, one needs to look at all of the items to determine what to pick up… the current safest bet is to go kill the spires and come back to pick up the loot. I’ve seen multiple hardcore streamers die from the spires upon loading into a map because they were reading chat. One of the best aspects of ARPGs for me is that I can find a safe place in a map and AFK when I need to. Can’t do that with spires.

Here is my suggestion for rework: Keep the spires, but make them only fire for a period of time after you attack (have them fire for 5 seconds or some arbitrary number that seems right) - attacks can include any player skill such as traversals or just attacking monsters. If a player hasn’t pushed any skills (or attacked monsters, whichever rework is decided), then spire mortars will not continuously rain down on their head, allowing them to actually look at the loot at the ground without worrying about imminent death at any moment.

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