Stygian Coil and Stygian Beam

Unfortunately this skill is not scaling with intelligence nor current mana. The only node from drain life that seems to work is the one where it makes it a cast rather than channel. Real bummer dont have the time to look all the nodes and test but hoping this brings awareness to a dead item for 1.0


Was excited to try out Stygian coal with drain life as well. Completely broken item, bricks the entire skill tree and does absolutely no damage. Would also be really nice if the poison conversion node for Drain life would also convert the damned stacks to poison stacks as well. This would help give additional and need poison skill support for acolyte and make drain life have more utility than currently.

I’m glad I looked here before posting. Yeah I thought it was odd that so much of the Drain Life tree didn’t function at all with Stygian Beam.

Can we have confirmation whether this is or is not bugged? This item is borderline unusable, like below ‘difficult to make it work’ and straight to ‘do not use this’ if it’s truly not intended to scale with the Drain Life tree.

This item could unlock 3+ builds alone if it worked as I think it should (scaling with the DL tree) rather than how it works now (limited or no scaling).

Agreed, the design for this feels completely neglected.
I tried to put together a build that could make use of this but the stygian beam scaling mechanics are hardly even half-finished—the only tags on it are spell and necrotic. Considering that enabling this function requires DISabling the core behavior of the spell, this doesn’t make any sense.