Stun may be calculated before certain damage reduction effects

Stun happens when a hit does 5% of your HP and I noticed that I am being stunned even when the hit doesnt do 5% of my HP.
I am playing a character using full endurance and damage delt to mana before health. even when a hit is doing like 20 damage to me i am being stunned.

here is a screenshot to show what i mean. If you look at the damage numbers 1-2k damage from the boss it is definitely not right as i am only taking about 100 damage. I have a feeling that this is also why i am getting stunned all the time even though am not taking 5% of my HP and this character has 2500 stun threshold aswell. math does not add up.

maybe its that stun is calculated before damage delt to mana. That would explain a lot of things… hopefully this gets changed.

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