Stuck with the same gears for 50 hours, LP smash system should change

Hi all, i like to play not common build, not wanting to be influenced by all the content creator and fell the feeling to make a unique build, so i’m playing a Sorcerer, a fireball half fire and half lightning which I’m quite proud of, reaching almost 500 corruption with still some margin to push, but here the problem, I’ve played this build, that i really love, for almost 150 hours, and for 50 of them i literally made no significant change, the only change that i made in the last 50 hours was a ring, with a bit more intelligence compared to the previous one, nothing more, really.
This is my build for making more context, Account Name Chomp96, Character Name Merlino, as you can see, my gears it’s pretty good, and almost everything is stuck perfectly to reach the cap of the various elemental resistances, so change something most likely will break that, and also for the Uniques items with LP, it’s hard to find something better, almost because all the attempts for not really big change are very RNG based failing to get the rights affixes, and really sucks when you don’t change any gear for this long time.
I know it’s a tricky problem, but i really thing that the LP smashing system should change, not a radical change, but you need to let the people to smash item with 1/2/3 affixes in the Uniques, so you basically add one more way to make good Uniques, or farming on the uniques, for example getting a ton of 1/2 LP and smashing in a not that great exalted with more affixes, i mean an exalted item with the usefull affixes and the random ones, or get only one Unique with those LP, and farm on the exalted, gambling with the rune of removal, letting be also more usefull item with fewer affixes from the start, and with this you make also another layer of looting. This will also balance a bit the uniques from bosses, that are really rare compared to the other that can be get also with the CoF, and let you gamble on the exalted instead of the unique can be really game changing, and keep the gearing up also in the super late game for just small improvement, i really can’t see this crushing the balance of the game, the game as it is is not balance, as at some points the RNG become to dominante also for insignificant improvement.

Dude, I think you need to get real a little bit here.

You’re describing approaching the edges of the best gear that the game has to offer. Of course you’re going extremely long stretches without improvement. Of course most of the upgrades you can possibly get are incremental. Of course you’re extremely dependent on RNG. That is how games with random loot work. You will always move inexorably towards a character state where the possibility of an upgrade is so small as to be totally impractical even if it’s mathematically possible. And on top of that you chose Circle of Fortune, the “lean in on random loot” faction.

You aren’t describing a problem. You are describing the natural progression and conclusion of the core loot system of the entire genre. At a certain point you have to accept that your character might be “done” as much as it can reasonably be expected to be.

And this:

Absolutely breaks the game. It blows away the entire tradeoff of lower versus higher LP items. Lower LP is easier to find but harder to land the stats you want. Higher LP is harder to find but easier to land the stats you want, and has greater power potential. There are tons of gear slots and situations where only 1 or 2 stats have any valuable. If you can just guarantee yourself a perfect Legendary at 2LP because you use a 2 stat Exalted item, there’s no point in chasing higher LP at all anymore.


No, he’s right.
This games gearing is worse than even vanilla D3.

By no objective measure is this true, and even subjectively it’s a stretch.


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my flesh melting from how hot a take that is.

i don’t see it that way, simply make easier get a good 1 LP Item, but not that much either, as said i don’t want to choose the affix, i anyway need to make an exalted with just the exalted affix that i want, it’s not that easy, and if you end up having more 1 LP items of the same unique it’s still worth smash exalted with more affixes, as now to make a good unique with 1 LP from a boss if you are in the CoF is almost impossible, or anyway to much hard, is unbalance, and ending up with almost no room for just a little improvement, it’s not what happen in this type of game, the game should let me perfect the character also in the super late games, and this simply make this smother without leave all to the RNG, or at least choose on what put the majority of it