Story character voicelines missing entirely after 0.9

After the 0.9 patch, none of my new characters have played any of the story voicelines that were in the game before (like the Mage commenting when entering the Council Chambers for the first time).
Other character callouts (like occasionally after killing an enemy) are still present.

I also noticed that the “For Rayeh!” shouts of the Osprix in the first few zones of the game are missing entirely, although I have heard those in other zones, but very infrequently.

In the sound options, none of the sliders are set to zero (they are all at the same level).

Also, in the “Audio Mix” dropdown menu in the sound options, a device is listed that I don’t have connected to my PC: “Logitech Pro-G 50mm”, but I have it set to “Standard”.

Here is a log from the last time I played. I then also created a new Character “NewTestCharacter”, a Mage, who also didn’t play any voicelines when taking the first steps along the Forest Trail.

Player.log (179.4 KB)

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