Stormbolt casts through abilities scaling

So I specced a lot into storm bolts via gathering storm.

Now I want them to proc by using TS. Nodes like “fulminating strikes” and “wind booster” are easy to achieve and do scale MORE dmg. Which would be awesome if this more dmg to TS also applies to the storm bolts cast by TS?

Generally if a proc can’t go on your bar then it inherits any relevant modifiers from the procing skill.

i hope they will ban you on forum. so you will not be able to necro each topic here.


Forumgoers: Use the search before creating new topics!
Also forumgoers: Don’t necro old topics!

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It was a valid question that had not been answered. That’s my excuse & I’m sticking to it.


What is TS?

Tempest Strike.

Also it was less than 60 days onwards. Not that there’s pages or anything but a month back in the Primalist forum is only 20 topics. If it’s a “necro” to bring it back after just a month that pretty severely limits the topics “valid” to respond to, and also incentivizes pretty extreme fragmentation in discussion where points made previously are lost rather quickly.

My view is it’s not a necro if it’s less than a year. This corpse barely even smelled.

Besides which, there is a code of conduct entry which states “Please do not create threads if there is currently an active thread about that topic”, but there is NOT a code of conduct entry which states “Please do not necro threads” or anything like that. So the preferences of EHG on the topic are pretty clear.

I just think he was fucking with Llama. I laughed.

As did I.

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