Storm Crow Fulminating Caw node

Could somebody clarify if my ‘increases’ to lightning damage are just those affixes etc. that say ‘increased lightning damage’ or do storm crows get any ‘more lightning’ or added lightning?
For example, in the passive shaman node Avatar of Thunder I (and minions) get added spell damage, so would the addition to me count for the Caw node? Or Ferebor’s Chisel’s implicit added spell damage for me?

The alt text of the node says

Elemental damage increases and increases that don’t have a specific damage type also apply to the crows’ lightning damage. This node has no effect on non-lightning damage, even if the crows’ damage type is converted.

So I believe the node only applies to “Increase Dmg” type of stats.

No, only %inc. lightning and % elemental damage works with that.

Bonus tip: All the idols (general and class specific) that have Shared Lightning Damage (because it gives minion damage and player damage, which then affects the storm crows with the magnified value) work wonders with that node. You can get up to 470% inc dmg for storm crows just from idols slots.

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thanks for the confirmation, and great info on the idols, i do have them in the build.

Oo good catch! Never thought about the idols

Tweaked my shaman build with the above idol info. Will need to try it out to see if it’s worth adjusting from my current build which has a little more crowstorm damage and area but fewer points in this node.