Stop locking every mastery of each class, c'mon

I do not want to create new character for other mastery. I want to try every skill without creating new same class characters. For example, a Sentinel must be able to learn every mastery of Sentinel. I wish Game Last Epoch has skill system like Game Diablo 3 that is no locking skills. Game Diablo 3 is greatest game of all time. At least, I wish I can respec masteries.

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Not gonna happen, but FWIW, you can get to the End of Time on a new character in an afternoon of play.


Its fine the way it is. Levelling up a new character isnt that hard imo. Just keep and use the levelling items that were thrown at your first character. :popcorn:


For example, a Sentinel can learn every mastery of Sentinel.

It does not make any senses for me in creating new one for other mastery. A Sentinel must be able to learn every mastery of Sentinel.

It doesnt need to make sense to YOU, its the way it is. And we all learned to deal with the challenges a game (or even life) throws at us. Thats the way it works and thats what most ppl enjoy. If you dont like a challenge or the grindy aspect of the game thats not the devs fault. If you are looking for a “here-is-everything-on-a-silver-plate-with-a-cherry-on-top” kind a game, this isnt it. Sure, its half way there, with levelling another character within a couple of hours or even respeccing passive points or skill points. Just appreciate the fact that they didnt perma lock the passives and skills.
The game will be there next week and the week after, even next month and so on. So dont let fomo get to you. Instead of stalking the forums you could already be level 30 on your next character. :partying_face:

Devs work in misterious ways, but they wouldnt be Devs if they didnt know what they were doing.


I hope you have fully understood why I and other players have been wanting the feature.


I hope you will understand why its not needed.


Not needed. Make another character and level up. Problem solved. This is how it is, no reason you should be able to just swap masteries at your leisure.


OP is right though. Playing a character to level 100 and then starting another character and go to level 100 again just because the masteries are locked, is not good game design.

You cannot experience a full mastery build unless you have all your character points. Reaching 30 levels and 30 points does not give you a proper overview of your mastery and it’s build options.

It’s obvious why they designed it this way: to waste your time and forcing you to level up yet another character.


No, they designed it this way because masteries are classes. And you don’t respec classes. They just gave you an option to choose them later rather than just at character creation.

Devs started this whole game because they wanted to make the game they wanted to play. And they enjoy making new characters. Most of the game is designed with that in mind.
And there are also many players that enjoy this. And that would leave if this changed.

This is mostly a D2 vs D3 type of player mentality. Devs prefer the former.


No yeah, they were totally just sitting around their giant mahogany meeting room table, smoking expensive cigars going, “Chumley, Bronson, quick reminder not to forget when designing the Mastery system that a core tenet of our game is to waste everyone’s time.”

These “THE DEVS DELIBERATELY MADE A THING THEY KNOW SUCKS JUST TO WASTE YOUR TIME AND MAKE YOU NOT HAVE FUN” takes are so hot they could outpace pollution as a source of global warming. They’re not intelligent, they’re not insightful, and they’re not based on anything except completely unearned cynicism. If any of you shopping this nonsense around were actually mature you could just say “I don’t like it” without needing to shoehorn it into being “objectively bad” by attributing it to conspiracy theories of nefarious manipulation.


Scroll down slightly and you will see " classes & masteries"
5 base classes, 15 masteries.

I have no idea why some keep saying your masteries are classes, unless they want to make the argument no other game allows you to reset your class so therefore you cannot reset masteries in last epoch.

It’s a poor circular argument that does not address the issue.

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It has nothing to do with liking or not liking. It has to do with wasting my playing time leveling up yet another of the same class so I can select a different mastery should I not enjoy my current mastery.

It’s just not good game design. And yes, they do develop taking into account trying to keep players playing

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I leveled an acolyte up to 100. Why can’t I respec it to mage? They’re both magic users, and I don’t want to spend a couple of hours leveling up again!

The game is extremely clear that mastery choice is a one-way decision. It’s super weird to try to argue “but there are only 5 classes, and the word class isn’t the same as mastery, therefore all arguments fall apart.” Masteries are essentially classes with abilities that other masteries cannot get, no matter what. How does that not make it a different class of character? Would you accept it better if it was worded such that each class had its own class, using that word?


“This is a waste of my time” is just another way of saying you don’t like it. You can keep doing this bad faith tantrum where you shout “I don’t like it therefore it is objectively bad” until you die of hypoxia, but it’s not going to make your subjective opinion become an objective measure of quality or value. A game’s design can simultaneously be just fine and also not be for everybody.

Or, in terms that are probably more your speed:


So I double checked that you left this in general and not feedback, which is more for the devs. Okay, general.

-HARD pass for me. I HATE games where you can become ANY class/evolved type at the drop of the hat. When that’s the case, I am OUT.

-I want decisions to matter.

-I want class to matter.

-I do NOT want these things to be interchangeable.

-I would be done with the game in a flash if they, like other games:

A: dumb down experience to nothing so you ding 100 before you can even target farm one freaking piece of gear.

B: Let you change class or mastery because I like decisions to MATTER.

All that being said, respect that you have an opinion but it just happened to be opposite than my own.


Because the devs themselves said they’re classes. And because, at character creation, if you check the masteries, it specifically says “You will choose your Mastery CLASS later in the campaign.”


I wish they have learned skill system from Diablo 3, no locking skills at all, and the game is greatest of all time.

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For me. No locking masteries, more joyful. More skill points to cover every skill, more fun too.

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