Still takes me 10's of minutes to log online - London, using EU West

Can anyone help if I need to reinstall the game. Date is 29th Feb. After connecting/login. When I try and play a toon online, the loading page is there for 10+ mins.

I can’t play online at all basically. Is this still the same for EU West gamers?

I’m in the East of England, playing on EU West & I get straight in every time.
I logged in around 4pm today & had a short queue that took less than a minute to log in.

You could try verifying your files, & then reinstall if that doesn’t help.

Tried verify, then uninstall and reinstall. Same problem, cannot log into any “online” character.

After 15 mins get an LE-100 kicked for inactivity error message on the load screen.

They are aware that EU servers still have serious issues, they are working on them. They mention EU servers in the update thread. All I can suggest is be patient :slight_smile: 1.0 Server Status Thread

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Thank you. I did not know where to look for info and did not know that the EU servers are still in a bad state.