Lmao. Bird does so much damage though! At least how I’ve got him set up.
I know, but I’m playing shadow daggers and Shift + Sync Strike feels so much better for my style than Aerial Assault.
Do both! AA in, Shift → Sync Strike, repeat. If you can spare all the req specializations, that is
AA and Shift share a cooldown as traversal skills. Going into 1.0 I had my fingers crossed they wouldn’t. Shift suits me better, plus I get shadows from all three of Shift, Sync Strike, and Smoke Bomb (the latter of which doesn’t even have to be on my bar since I cast it with Net).
Oh yea. I had actually reported that as a bug, bc even if you remove the movement from AA it still counts as a traversal skill. I had forgotten, my bad. Lol.
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