Still abyssmal loading times

Currently been waiting for almost 30min to load into an area. People are saying this is an “improvement.” I was not around for launch, but I can not see how this is any form of an improvement.

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I think for me, I’d rather they limit the amount of players allowed in game and put us in a long queue, so I know if I’ll get in or not instead of getting in and spending an indeterminate amount of times moving between zones.

It was much better this morning, I was playing for a couple hours with <30 second load times. But now its unplayable again. Must vary by gateway

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Time of day as well. I was able to play overnight at like 2 or 3 am EST with very few issues. As soon as day time comes around, though, and people start logging in, it just dies.

This is exactly my experience as well. Had no issues until this “update”. Now I can’t get out of End Time.

felt like the early access was so much better…

It’s not settings it’s their servers and the lack of care to the people who paid for the game. They got their money and didn’t give us what we paid for they should refund us for this being so bad and unplayable!