February 25, 2024, 1:01pm
After 40 hours of playing since 1.0 launch I wanted to check what kind of and how many achievements I had unlocked but I noticed that this amazing game does not have any unlockable achievements on steam.
I would strongly suggest adding achievements <3
I unlocked a few already, after just a few hours of gameplay:
“Sit in logging lobby for 15 consecutive minutes trying to establish connection”
“Receive a profanity warning from in game chat when typing ‘I moved too close to a portal and it s u c k e d me in’”
“Write 10 private messages to public chat just because the game auto-switches to global every time you change zones”
“Find a dropped item with name consisting only of a jibberish character string placeholder”
And many others!
May 25, 2024, 1:22pm
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