Stash Tabs not carrying over at the end of a cycle? [mod note: yes they do]

[Mike here: sorry I just have to make sure this doesn’t end up spreading by mistake. Your stuff does roll over in the form of remove only tabs. Anything that doesn’t take up space like crafting materials or gold is manually merge-able into Legacy with a single click.]

It was mentioned in the May 31 Dev talk that stash tabs wouldn’t carry over at the end of a cycle due to the complexity of all the possible situations, but if I understand correctly, this is a recipe for disaster that EHG needs to address.

Take for example, someone like myself that started playing LE on 1.0 launch day and started a non-hardcore, non-SSF, Cycle 0 character. I have played that character throughout the cycle and am level 97; however, I have no other characters (including legacy), but I have over 41 stash tabs in cycle 0 and most are full of items that I don’t want to lose.

I understand and agree with the policies of not bringing anything into a cycle, but why would there be policies about not carrying out? There is a system in place where the character rolls over to legacy or non-cycle status, but why wouldn’t the character’s stash?

I’m not advocating for incrementing stash by 200 for every character at the end of every cycle, but I do think EHG needs to make a simple check that if the legacy or non-cycle equivalent has less stash than the cycle stash, the legacy or non-cycle gets bumped to match.

for example, in my case this would mean that when my character transitions from cycle 0 to legacy, my legacy character will keep all 41 stash tabs since I have zero other characters.

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Or make it more simple: ‘Remove only’ tabs like PoE has.

Actually, the items could simply be listed in a separate UI as well to be retrieved from it.

But a system has to be in place, I didn’t know that would actually be a possible problem.

But the bought tabs themselves carrying over? That shouldn’t happen, keeping our items we got on the other hand should always and without fail happen.

So the plan is for all items and tabs in cycle stash to be lost on transition? That certainly doesn’t seem ideal.

From my perspective ideal would probably be that there is an additional, “Cycle Stash” in the end of time which is your stash from the last cycle, so you have all cycle long to pull stuff out of it. Each cycle it gets replaced with the stash from the latest cycle, unless that stash is 100% empty (you never played that cycle basically). This helps folks who come back after a year or more (their stuff isn’t gone), while for those playing actively they have plenty of time to buy up stash tabs as needed, and / or clean out their hordes. It also fulfills on the promise of “all your progress carrying over” as arguably loot is the most important progress there is. All your gold and crafting mats should just be directly combined with the legacy stash.

Lacking that, you do have an easy but dumb mechanism to carry over all the items from your stash (just not the gold or crafting mats). Just spin up however many characters it takes, get them to the first city, and shove the items in their inventories. With 41 tabs realistically it’s like 160 characters so you might not be able to save all of it, but you can decide for yourself how many characters to make and what is worth saving. If there’s a character limit in LE I’m not aware of it, but let me know what it is if so.

I’m curious as to why you are against purchased stash tabs being carried out, but are fine with items? To me they are exactly the same thing; both were earned, but one just happened to be gold that was re-invested into the character for storage…

This is exactly why EHG needs to take this feedback into consideration… I didn’t play 157 hours of Cycle 0 to have a level 97 character in legacy with zero stash tabs…

This makes Cycle 0 even worse, because there was literally no difference in content between Cycle 0 and Legacy… so why even have Cycle 0?

I have felt EHG has made some pretty good decisions up until this point… I really hope they figure this out before July…

Flag on the play, misquote detected.

They roll over as remove only tabs as I said on stream.

The question that I might have been answering is that existing cycle tabs don’t roll over into the new cycle. They go to legacy as remove only tabs. You also get all of your non-limited space items that just merge in with 1 click so you aren’t forced into it but it’s super easy.


That is awesome to hear. Thank you very much for both the clarification and that implementation, it’s super player friendly and great for retention.

Sorry for the confusion; having them carry out as remove only is the absolute bare minimum I’d expect.

I’d prefer a better system, but at least I won’t lose my items and will have time to recreate the stash tabs.

Again, sorry for the confusion

Didn’t you, at some point, mention that you (EHG) would like to implement a system where the gold you spent on your stash tabs in cycle would be used to “purchase” legacy tabs? That is, if you need 100k gold for the next tab and you spent a total of 120k gold for all your cycle stash tabs, you get a new one in legacy.

I’m pretty sure that was mentioned at some point, possibly in one of your streams. Did you give up on that idea, is it somewhere down the TODO list or is it something I’m just mistaken about?

I seem to remember stream bablings to that effect. It’s not something we have planned for 1.1. I do still like the idea though.


What’s the current state? Your number of tabs in legacy is only what you bought in legacy (setting aside remove-only, of course)? If so, how hard would it be to make it the highest amount between legacy and what is rolled out into it?

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^^^ This is what I’d like to see implemented…

I’m glad to hear EHG feels the same about the possible feature for the future.

Gonna provide my two cents here.

Allow us with cycle into legacy to one click sell any tab we want and have that gold deposited. This is because after my video testing LP I got 6000+ rings I want to just auto sell but can’t. God knows I am not clicking sell 6000 times. Thanks Mike/devs

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