I do have a bug with my stash tabs, everytime I go to my chest and click on one of my categories that I created it says “empty category” and the stash page turns black, so I don’t have any access anymore to my items, all categories are empty once I click on it. https://imgur.com/a/kD31Ldz = I added a picture to show how the bug looks like.
I searched for the bug in the forum and asked in the chat, but seems to be that I am the only one with that issue.
From the sounds of your description, there are probably two possible issues - you might have a corrupted Stash… or possibly you have not assigned stash tabs to the specific categories?
Lots of new players get a little confused with the stash concept but generally you have stash tabs that you assign to categories… You can obviously have no tabs assigned to a category(ies) and you have at least 1 stash tab that you start the game with (and then purchase more with in-game coin). Your screenshot could very well be that the category you have open doesnt have any actual stash tabs linked to it…
The second possibility is that your stash is corrupted… This unfortunately has happened… especially if you drag stash tabs onto categories by mistake while trying to reorder them… this process is not currently supported (i.e. moving tabs to categories by dragging them)… only changing the order is supported… When dragging to a new category - this can sometimes cause the stash to corrupt by mixing up the unique stash id and category id in the stash (in the last past of the Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta file in your savegame directory)… Unfortunately if this has happened there is no way for the game to fix it without outside involvement… Some people have had success in manually editing the messed up IDs but this does require an understanding of how data structures work and is obviously not strictly allowed in the game ToS…
Thanks a lot for your reply, I managed to solve the issue, I somehow messed something up with the categories (I have no idea how I did that), I deleted all categories and now it is working. I Think the issue was that I was trying to create categories instead of creating simple stash tabs.
Thanks a lot for your help, I love the game and can’t wait for its release. Great work, greetz from Belgium.