Stash tab swithcing

I might have missed it, but is there a way to switch stash tab position ? Like moving one to the left or right.
That could be very helpful to sort them.

I think you are talking about this problem:

Not currently possible.

not currently, but there is a bit of a wonky work-around. you can create an empty tab-category and move tabs into it, then choose which order to move them back. as trikster pointed out it’s been brought up recently so hopefully we’ll have a QoL update on them in the near future.

edit: i was mistaken, i thought i had gotten this to work in the past but according to the thread trikster linked it just puts them back in the order they were created. you can, however, move them to the new tab in the order you want them. but then it’s the same problem because you can’t move the new category into the 1st position.

Alright thanks for quick answer.

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