Stash tab question

I tried a search but did not find an answer (admittedly, though, my google-fu sucks so I may have simply searched poorly).

Does the price of additional stash tabs have a ceiling, or does it increase by 10k per tab infinitely?

I don’t know if it has a ceiling or not, but if it does it’s pretty high. I have 49 tabs all together now. :upside_down_face:

If you’re at 49 tabs and have not hit a cap then… yikes

My latest one was a 1/4 mil. I’m sure there’s other people who can speak as to whether or not it goes even higher.

It does only have a ceiling due to having a finite amount of maximum Stash tabs.

Maximum Of Stash Tabs

Is 200

If we have fancy math people here, there is probably a formula that you could use to calculate the total amount of gold cost for any amount of Stash tabs

Which I assume would be

Base cost + (number of tabs x 10k)

on 103 tabs here… and I can hear my Gran telling me to clean my room …


Probably around 50 tabs.
It won’t expand, I mostly create Solo heroes now. Each on has a small stash, with very few tabs.

I’m just gonna assume that once you reach 170+ EHG starts harvesting your organs.

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Yes, but that’s for an entirely different reason. How do you think @EHG_Mike keeps his beard so glossy?

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If you have less than 6 tabs, cost of next stash tab is currentTabCount * 1000
If you have 6 or more tabs, cost of next stash tab is (currentTabCount - 5) * 10000

Last tab (200) costs 1 940 000 and total cost to get all tabs is 189 165 000


Once again… yikes (both in response to Tunk and Llama8)

LOL! and I thot I had hoarding problems. Some of you make me feel better :smile:

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