Stash tab costs are to high

I think stash tabs cost too much. I like playing a lot of different characters and I am constantly running out of gold buying stash tabs and with the stash tabs I have I don’t have enough to keep my items organized. I have not spent gold at the lightless arbor once since I started playing again shortly after 1.0. yes, I’m a hoarder I like the items in this game, and I enjoy trying to perfect builds and try different things. <3

Stash tabs already got a gold discount. I think they’re fine. When you’re buying the stash #50 or so it’s around 250k gold, which isn’t too bad.

If you want to keep every single item in the game, then that’s your problem. The game doesn’t have to keep up with your issue. Much like housing prices don’t have to keep up with real life hoarders.

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I’m a hoarder too!

And as a fellow hoarder it’s our task to handle that and not the game’s :stuck_out_tongue: We’re actively not supposed to stuff everything inside or sort it meticulously in a overdesigned way, the progression rate of stash tabs is fairly fine.

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