Stash management

How are you organizing your stash?
Mine is far too full, but I’m not sure what to remove exactly. I keep too many stuff, but what to sell and what to really keep?

I do have one big general category, with Uniques, Exlated Items and some random good item drops that are worthy of carting, but i didn’t crafted yet.

Since i mainly play solo chars, this is only my normal stash here, which is only from my 2 first chars (which are also the most played ones)

But all of the chars i am playing, i do categorize the stash very similar

I do want to make some changes to the tab order, but it’d take far too much effort at this point (as I’m waiting until the dev’s implement a better way of moving tabs within a Category). That said, here is how I currently have my stash organized:

The Idol tabs bother me the most because I never expected to hoard so many. :sweat_smile:


Tried some variations, with the following i will start online i think :eyes::

-> TOP (fast access to often used/changed items and such)
-> Keys
-> Flasks (maybe)
-> Runes
-> Glyphs
-> Affixes
-> Lagon (both)
-> Humble (both)
-> Stuff

Magic (blue and yellow ones for crafting purposes)
-> Helms (only if there are ones for all classes)
-> Rings
-> One Handed Weapons
-> Bows
-> Shields
-> and so on

-> Helms (only if there are ones for all classes)
-> Rings
-> One Handed Weapons
-> Bows
-> Shields
-> and so on

Sets (every 2 colums for a set at most)
-> Sets 01
-> Sets 02
-> and so on

Exalted (purple ones for crafting purposes)
-> Helms (only if there are ones for all classes)
-> Rings
-> One Handed Weapons
-> Bows
-> Shields
-> and so on

-> Solar (Grand and Ornate)
-> Rahyeh (Large and Huge)
-> Adorned (the 2x2 ones)
-> Helms (maybe another segmentation to magic, unique, legendary and exalted later on)
-> Armour (maybe another segmentation to magic, unique, legendary and exalted later on)

Mage (and all others)
-> and so on

That’s all way too neat. And wasting space on the uniques.

i always play solo. so i don’t have to deal with the stuff other chars collected :smiley:
i also hoard less, since i don’t need to worry about other chars

mostly it looks like this:

  • General
    • Idols
    • Keys
    • Uniques
  • Gear
    • Crafting Bases
    • Affixes (common) -> shattering
    • Affixes (rare chest & helmet) -> shattering
    • BIS
    • old

It looks like there is no “miracle solution” ^^

Wow… ocd much? Just envious of yours vs. my mess of 50 tabs… Each time I play I think I should fix it but after 30min I just give up again… :wink:

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Wish there was a way to do more specific Sorting or Searching that allowed a finer control.

E.g. Sort a tab by weapon type so that you can quickly organise things. Sort by player class gear. etc… Searching that highlights things based on level rather than keywords. Even being able to search/highlight Stash items in a similar way to the Loot Filter would be good.

I suppose most of these are a factor of having a mess of a Stash - something organised wouldnt need it, but my 50 tabs are a jumble of junk that I loathe cleaning up…

Haha yeah, I’ve spent way too much time making it look like that. I really want to improve it further, but I know how much more time that’d take so I just try to put it out of my mind. Though, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. :sweat_smile:

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